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Sample 3300016871
3300016871: Metatranscriptome of marine eukaryotic communities from Arctic in K medium with Eastern Pacific seawater w/o silicate, 6 C, 35 psu salinity and 535 ?mol photons light - micromonas sp. CCMP2099 (MMETSP0802)
Basic Information
IMG/M Taxon OID 3300016871 Open in IMG/M
GOLD Reference (Study | Sequencing Project | Analysis Project) Gs0128947 | Gp0212303 | Ga0186591
Sample Name Metatranscriptome of marine eukaryotic communities from Arctic in K medium with Eastern Pacific seawater w/o silicate, 6 C, 35 psu salinity and 535 ?mol photons light - micromonas sp. CCMP2099 (MMETSP0802)
Sequencing Status Permanent Draft
Sequencing Center National Center for Genome Resources
Published? N
Use Policy Open
Dataset Contents
Total Genome Size 21211067
Sequencing Scaffolds 2
Novel Protein Genes 2
Associated Families 1
Dataset Phylogeny
Taxonomy Groups Number of Scaffolds
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Chlorophyta → Mamiellophyceae → Mamiellales → Mamiellaceae → Micromonas 2
Ecosystem and Geography
Ecosystem Assignment (GOLD)
Name The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Meta/transcriptome Sequencing Project (mmetsp)
Type Host-Associated
Taxonomy Host-Associated → Human → Digestive System → Large Intestine → Fecal → Host-Associated → The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Meta/transcriptome Sequencing Project (mmetsp)
Location Information
Location Arctic
Coordinates Lat. (o ) 76.2833 Long. (o ) -74.75 Alt. (m) N/A Depth (m) 55
Location on Map
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Associated Families
Family Category Number of Sequences 3D Structure?
F083611 Metagenome / Metatranscriptome 112 Y
Associated Scaffolds
Scaffold Taxonomy Length IMG/M Link Ga0186591_104068 All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Chlorophyta → Mamiellophyceae → Mamiellales → Mamiellaceae → Micromonas 1969 Open in IMG/M Ga0186591_106358 All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Chlorophyta → Mamiellophyceae → Mamiellales → Mamiellaceae → Micromonas 1272 Open in IMG/M
Scaffold ID Protein ID Family Sequence