Basic Information | |
IMG/M Taxon OID | 3300003610 Open in IMG/M |
GOLD Reference (Study | Sequencing Project | Analysis Project) | Gs0046785 | Gp0054866 | Ga0005269 |
Sample Name | Marine microbial communities from expanding oxygen minimum zones in the Saanich Inlet - MetaT SI075_120m_B (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) |
Sequencing Status | Permanent Draft |
Sequencing Center | DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) |
Published? | Y |
Use Policy | Open |
Dataset Contents | |
Total Genome Size | 17021657 |
Sequencing Scaffolds | 2 |
Novel Protein Genes | 3 |
Associated Families | 3 |
Dataset Phylogeny | |
Taxonomy Groups | Number of Scaffolds |
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Archaea → TACK group → Thaumarchaeota → Nitrosopumilales | 1 |
Not Available | 1 |
Ecosystem Assignment (GOLD) | |
Name | Marine Microbial Communities From Expanding Oxygen Minimum Zones In The Northeastern Subarctic Pacific Ocean |
Type | Environmental |
Taxonomy | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Unclassified → Marine → Marine Microbial Communities From Expanding Oxygen Minimum Zones In The Northeastern Subarctic Pacific Ocean |
Alternative Ecosystem Assignments | |
Environment Ontology (ENVO) | marine biome → coastal inlet → sea water |
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) | Free-living → Saline → Water (saline) |
Location Information | ||||||||
Location | British Columbia, Canada | |||||||
Coordinates | Lat. (o) | 48.7299 | Long. (o) | -123.5699 | Alt. (m) | N/A | Depth (m) | N/A | Location on Map |
Zoom: | Powered by OpenStreetMap © |
Family | Category | Number of Sequences | 3D Structure? |
F039110 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 164 | Y |
F081198 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 114 | N |
F099485 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 103 | Y |
Scaffold | Taxonomy | Length | IMG/M Link |
Ga0005269J51882_101767 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Archaea → TACK group → Thaumarchaeota → Nitrosopumilales | 890 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0005269J51882_105524 | Not Available | 827 | Open in IMG/M |
Scaffold ID | Protein ID | Family | Sequence |
Ga0005269J51882_101767 | Ga0005269J51882_1017671 | F099485 | HNWQHSPSEIQVARTPVKAVSKSLQQTKPSVFSVEDLMGLSWILFEERH* |
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