Basic Information | |
Family ID | F101478 |
Family Type | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome |
Number of Sequences | 102 |
Average Sequence Length | 47 residues |
Number of Associated Samples | 91 |
Number of Associated Scaffolds | 102 |
Quality Assessment | |
Transcriptomic Evidence | Yes |
Most common taxonomic group | Bacteria |
% of genes with valid RBS motifs | 93.14 % |
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) | 91.18 % |
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) | 93.14 % |
Associated GOLD sequencing projects | 85 |
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction | Yes |
3D model pTM-score | 0.43 |
Hidden Markov Model |
Powered by Skylign |
Most Common Taxonomy | |
Group | Bacteria (54.902 % of family members) |
NCBI Taxonomy ID | 2 |
Taxonomy | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria |
Most Common Ecosystem | |
GOLD Ecosystem | Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Populus Rhizosphere (14.706 % of family members) |
Environment Ontology (ENVO) | Unclassified (20.588 % of family members) |
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) | Free-living → Non-saline → Soil (non-saline) (46.078 % of family members) |
⦗Top⦘ |
⦗Top⦘ |
Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure | |||||
Classification: | Globular | Signal Peptide: | No | Secondary Structure distribution: | α-helix: 59.46% β-sheet: 0.00% Coil/Unstructured: 40.54% | Feature Viewer |
Powered by Feature Viewer |
Structure Viewer | |
| |
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT): 0-50 51-70 71-90 91-100 | pTM-score: 0.43 |
Powered by PDBe Molstar |
⦗Top⦘ |
Pfam ID | Name | % Frequency in 102 Family Scaffolds |
PF00571 | CBS | 7.84 |
PF00072 | Response_reg | 1.96 |
PF00582 | Usp | 1.96 |
PF00561 | Abhydrolase_1 | 0.98 |
PF00577 | Usher | 0.98 |
PF02867 | Ribonuc_red_lgC | 0.98 |
PF12697 | Abhydrolase_6 | 0.98 |
PF02518 | HATPase_c | 0.98 |
PF12760 | Zn_Tnp_IS1595 | 0.98 |
PF09723 | Zn-ribbon_8 | 0.98 |
PF00210 | Ferritin | 0.98 |
PF05225 | HTH_psq | 0.98 |
PF02310 | B12-binding | 0.98 |
PF13808 | DDE_Tnp_1_assoc | 0.98 |
PF00076 | RRM_1 | 0.98 |
PF09813 | Coa3_cc | 0.98 |
PF09821 | AAA_assoc_C | 0.98 |
PF00528 | BPD_transp_1 | 0.98 |
PF07238 | PilZ | 0.98 |
PF01609 | DDE_Tnp_1 | 0.98 |
PF06794 | UPF0270 | 0.98 |
PF11381 | DUF3185 | 0.98 |
PF07460 | NUMOD3 | 0.98 |
PF00766 | ETF_alpha | 0.98 |
PF00440 | TetR_N | 0.98 |
PF05239 | PRC | 0.98 |
PF04392 | ABC_sub_bind | 0.98 |
PF00496 | SBP_bac_5 | 0.98 |
COG ID | Name | Functional Category | % Frequency in 102 Family Scaffolds |
COG3188 | Outer membrane usher protein FimD/PapC | Cell motility [N] | 1.96 |
COG0209 | Ribonucleotide reductase alpha subunit | Nucleotide transport and metabolism [F] | 0.98 |
COG2025 | Electron transfer flavoprotein, alpha subunit FixB | Energy production and conversion [C] | 0.98 |
COG2984 | ABC-type uncharacterized transport system, periplasmic component | General function prediction only [R] | 0.98 |
COG3039 | Transposase and inactivated derivatives, IS5 family | Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X] | 0.98 |
COG3089 | Uncharacterized conserved protein YheU, UPF0270 family | Function unknown [S] | 0.98 |
COG3293 | Transposase | Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X] | 0.98 |
COG3385 | IS4 transposase InsG | Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X] | 0.98 |
COG5421 | Transposase | Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X] | 0.98 |
COG5433 | Predicted transposase YbfD/YdcC associated with H repeats | Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X] | 0.98 |
COG5659 | SRSO17 transposase | Mobilome: prophages, transposons [X] | 0.98 |
⦗Top⦘ |
Name | Rank | Taxonomy | Distribution |
All Organisms | root | All Organisms | 54.90 % |
Unclassified | root | N/A | 45.10 % |
Visualization |
Powered by ApexCharts |
Scaffold | Taxonomy | Length | IMG/M Link |
3300000956|JGI10216J12902_108972924 | Not Available | 563 | Open in IMG/M |
3300000956|JGI10216J12902_115663036 | Not Available | 561 | Open in IMG/M |
3300004479|Ga0062595_100965768 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 727 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005093|Ga0062594_102296403 | Not Available | 586 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005332|Ga0066388_107249107 | Not Available | 557 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005536|Ga0070697_101180020 | Not Available | 682 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005540|Ga0066697_10647328 | Not Available | 582 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005553|Ga0066695_10626355 | Not Available | 641 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005559|Ga0066700_10393105 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 978 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005577|Ga0068857_101507074 | Not Available | 655 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005598|Ga0066706_11197108 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 577 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005598|Ga0066706_11495208 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 508 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005713|Ga0066905_101545125 | Not Available | 606 | Open in IMG/M |
3300005764|Ga0066903_107781965 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 551 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006049|Ga0075417_10145372 | Not Available | 1101 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006194|Ga0075427_10039952 | Not Available | 789 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006196|Ga0075422_10024139 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 2084 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006797|Ga0066659_11512353 | Not Available | 562 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006844|Ga0075428_100161466 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 2432 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006845|Ga0075421_100179268 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 2636 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006846|Ga0075430_100947610 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 709 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006847|Ga0075431_100473881 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1245 | Open in IMG/M |
3300006854|Ga0075425_102674712 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 551 | Open in IMG/M |
3300007004|Ga0079218_11151189 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 798 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009012|Ga0066710_104773924 | Not Available | 507 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009038|Ga0099829_11700692 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 519 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009090|Ga0099827_10102778 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 2274 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009090|Ga0099827_11485009 | Not Available | 590 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009094|Ga0111539_10059076 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 4549 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009094|Ga0111539_11893554 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 692 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009100|Ga0075418_11355092 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 771 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009147|Ga0114129_12059812 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 689 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009444|Ga0114945_10991211 | Not Available | 521 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009553|Ga0105249_10364825 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1467 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009691|Ga0114944_1328199 | Not Available | 635 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009792|Ga0126374_10610974 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 806 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009795|Ga0105059_1021954 | Not Available | 708 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009815|Ga0105070_1088723 | Not Available | 602 | Open in IMG/M |
3300009822|Ga0105066_1075049 | Not Available | 728 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010038|Ga0126315_11224387 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 510 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010046|Ga0126384_11559805 | Not Available | 620 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010047|Ga0126382_10383044 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1090 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010047|Ga0126382_10732546 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 834 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010047|Ga0126382_10838945 | Not Available | 788 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010081|Ga0127457_1060342 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 710 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010089|Ga0127454_1107129 | Not Available | 1334 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010097|Ga0127501_1007818 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 663 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010107|Ga0127494_1054632 | Not Available | 638 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010112|Ga0127458_1028060 | Not Available | 613 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010119|Ga0127452_1052265 | Not Available | 604 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010145|Ga0126321_1249090 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria | 946 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010358|Ga0126370_10096797 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria | 2030 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010359|Ga0126376_10267793 | Not Available | 1465 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010359|Ga0126376_12159476 | Not Available | 601 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010360|Ga0126372_10274956 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Nitrospinae/Tectomicrobia group → Candidatus Tectomicrobia → Candidatus Entotheonella → Candidatus Entotheonella factor | 1462 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010366|Ga0126379_10687324 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria | 1116 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010398|Ga0126383_10207613 | Not Available | 1886 | Open in IMG/M |
3300010398|Ga0126383_11379530 | Not Available | 795 | Open in IMG/M |
3300011333|Ga0127502_10268466 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 515 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012199|Ga0137383_10430597 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 967 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012199|Ga0137383_10437744 | Not Available | 958 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012202|Ga0137363_10501646 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1019 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012212|Ga0150985_112185762 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 558 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012355|Ga0137369_10822527 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 631 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012387|Ga0134030_1262635 | Not Available | 502 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012396|Ga0134057_1019288 | Not Available | 556 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012401|Ga0134055_1162377 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 672 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012402|Ga0134059_1199650 | Not Available | 681 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012406|Ga0134053_1146863 | Not Available | 594 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012685|Ga0137397_10312877 | Not Available | 1170 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012922|Ga0137394_11421082 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 554 | Open in IMG/M |
3300012971|Ga0126369_12355609 | Not Available | 619 | Open in IMG/M |
3300014487|Ga0182000_10203355 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 760 | Open in IMG/M |
3300016404|Ga0182037_10693968 | Not Available | 871 | Open in IMG/M |
3300018081|Ga0184625_10477888 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 634 | Open in IMG/M |
3300018082|Ga0184639_10316328 | Not Available | 818 | Open in IMG/M |
3300024330|Ga0137417_1449155 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 4773 | Open in IMG/M |
3300026116|Ga0207674_11335553 | Not Available | 686 | Open in IMG/M |
3300026327|Ga0209266_1240377 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 592 | Open in IMG/M |
3300026536|Ga0209058_1098588 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Bacteria incertae sedis → Bacteria candidate phyla → Candidatus Rokubacteria → unclassified Candidatus Rokubacteria → Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium | 1485 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027490|Ga0209899_1063494 | Not Available | 746 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027511|Ga0209843_1068469 | Not Available | 614 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027577|Ga0209874_1041555 | Not Available | 1222 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027655|Ga0209388_1121966 | Not Available | 743 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027873|Ga0209814_10052742 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1697 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027880|Ga0209481_10699027 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 527 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027882|Ga0209590_10574957 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group → Cyanobacteria | 726 | Open in IMG/M |
3300027907|Ga0207428_10506353 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 877 | Open in IMG/M |
3300028889|Ga0247827_10283153 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Nitrospinae/Tectomicrobia group → Candidatus Tectomicrobia → Candidatus Entotheonella → Candidatus Entotheonella gemina | 959 | Open in IMG/M |
3300030619|Ga0268386_10498405 | Not Available | 834 | Open in IMG/M |
3300031093|Ga0308197_10013466 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → delta/epsilon subdivisions → Deltaproteobacteria → Desulfobacterales → Desulfobacteraceae → Desulfamplus → Desulfamplus magnetovallimortis | 1634 | Open in IMG/M |
3300031908|Ga0310900_11109025 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 655 | Open in IMG/M |
3300031946|Ga0310910_11212270 | Not Available | 585 | Open in IMG/M |
3300031995|Ga0307409_102711520 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 524 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032004|Ga0307414_10502904 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1073 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032066|Ga0318514_10259840 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Bacteria incertae sedis → Bacteria candidate phyla → Candidatus Rokubacteria → unclassified Candidatus Rokubacteria → Candidatus Rokubacteria bacterium | 915 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032159|Ga0268251_10207718 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 771 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032159|Ga0268251_10293157 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria | 672 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032159|Ga0268251_10504536 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 542 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032179|Ga0310889_10103278 | Not Available | 1217 | Open in IMG/M |
3300032180|Ga0307471_102804627 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 619 | Open in IMG/M |
3300033551|Ga0247830_10161554 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 1645 | Open in IMG/M |
⦗Top⦘ |
Habitat | Taxonomy | Distribution |
Populus Rhizosphere | Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Populus Rhizosphere | 14.71% |
Tropical Forest Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Tropical Forest Soil | 12.75% |
Vadose Zone Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil | 11.76% |
Grasslands Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Grasslands Soil | 10.78% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil | 9.80% |
Groundwater Sand | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Sand → Unclassified → Groundwater Sand | 5.88% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural → Soil | 3.92% |
Tropical Forest Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Forest Soil → Tropical Forest Soil | 2.94% |
Agave | Host-Associated → Plants → Phylloplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Agave | 2.94% |
Soil | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Groundwater → Unclassified → Soil | 1.96% |
Thermal Springs | Environmental → Aquatic → Thermal Springs → Hot (42-90C) → Unclassified → Thermal Springs | 1.96% |
Groundwater Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment | 1.96% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil | 1.96% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Soil | 1.96% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil | 1.96% |
Corn Rhizosphere | Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere | 1.96% |
Rhizosphere | Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Rhizosphere | 1.96% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil | 0.98% |
Serpentine Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Serpentine Soil | 0.98% |
Agricultural Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Agricultural Soil | 0.98% |
Grasslands Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Grasslands Soil | 0.98% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil | 0.98% |
Hardwood Forest Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Hardwood Forest Soil | 0.98% |
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere | 0.98% |
Avena Fatua Rhizosphere | Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Avena Fatua Rhizosphere | 0.98% |
Switchgrass Rhizosphere | Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere | 0.98% |
Visualization |
Powered by ApexCharts |
Taxon OID | Sample Name | Habitat Type | IMG/M Link |
3300000956 | Soil microbial communities from Great Prairies - Kansas, Native Prairie soil | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300004479 | Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling - Combined assembly of All WPAs | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005093 | Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling - Combined assembly of KBS All Blocks | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005332 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 6 (Hybrid Assembly) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005536 | Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K1-50-1 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005540 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_146 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005553 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_144 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005559 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_149 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005577 | Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Corn C7-2 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300005598 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_155 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005713 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil Plot 36 (version 2) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005764 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama analyzed to predict greenhouse gas emissions - Panama Soil - Plot 1 (version 2) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006049 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD1 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006194 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. deltoides SRZDD1 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006196 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. TD hybrid SBSTD1 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006797 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_108 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006844 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. deltoides SRZDD2 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006845 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD5 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006846 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. deltoides SRZDD4 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006847 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. deltoides SRZDD5 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300006854 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. TD hybrid SBSTD4 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300007004 | Agricultural soil microbial communities from Utah to study Nitrogen management - NC Compost | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009012 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_159 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009038 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con2H2.8 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009090 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con1.8 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009094 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. TD hybrid SRZTD1 (version 2) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300009100 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD2 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300009147 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. deltoides SRZDD1 (version 2) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300009444 | Hot spring microbial communities from Beatty, Nevada to study Microbial Dark Matter (Phase II) - OV2 TP3 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009553 | Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S4-4 metaG | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300009691 | Hot spring microbial communities from Beatty, Nevada to study Microbial Dark Matter (Phase II) - OV2 TP2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009792 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_12 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009795 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW N3_40_50 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009815 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW S1_0_10 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009822 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW S1_30_40 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010038 | Serpentine soil microbial communities from UC McLaughlin Reserve, CA, USA - Plot106 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010046 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_36 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010047 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_30 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010081 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Wat_40_5_0_2 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010089 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Wat_40_5_8_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010097 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Met_40_5_24_2 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010107 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Met_40_5_8_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010112 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Wat_40_5_4_2 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010119 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Wat_40_5_0_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010145 | Soil microbial communities from Hawaii, USA to study soil gas exchange rates - KP-HI-INT metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010358 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_3 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010359 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_15 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010360 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_6 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010366 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_24 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010398 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_35 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300011333 | Cornfield soil microbial communities from Stanford, California, USA - CI-CA-CRN metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012199 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage2_R_40_16 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012202 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - Mad1_115_16 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012212 | Combined assembly of Hopland grassland soil | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300012355 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage1_L_113_16 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012387 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_20cm_2_16_2 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012396 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_40cm_5_0_2 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012401 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_40cm_5_16_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012402 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_40cm_5_8_2 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012406 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - 15_R_Glu_40cm_5_4_1 metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012685 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - czorhiz1.16 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012922 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - czobulk1.16 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012971 | Tropical forest soil microbial communities from Panama - MetaG Plot_1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300014487 | Bulk soil microbial communities from Mexico - Magueyal (Ma) metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300016404 | Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - statoxic.12C.oxic.44.000.082 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300018081 | Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3_30_b1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300018082 | Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3-1_170_b2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300024330 | Vadose zone soil fungal communities from Angelo Coast Range Reserve, California, USA - CZODoug3_1_1_16fungal (PacBio error correction) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300026116 | Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Corn C7-2 (SPAdes) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300026327 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_132 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300026536 | Grasslands soil microbial communities from the Angelo Coastal Reserve, California, USA - Sample Angelo_147 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027490 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW S1_0_10 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027511 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW S1_20_30 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027577 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW N1_20_30 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027655 | Vadose zone soil and rhizosphere microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California to study diel carbon cycling - Rivendell_Oct2014_Saprolite_2_DNA_Bulk_1 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027873 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD1 (SPAdes) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300027880 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD3 (SPAdes) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300027882 | Vadose zone soil microbial communities from the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory, Northern California, USA - CZOApr15con1.8 metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027907 | Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. TD hybrid SRZTD1 (SPAdes) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300028889 | Soil microbial communities from agricultural site in Penn Yan, New York, United States - 12C_Control_Day2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300030619 | Soil microbial communities from uranium-contaminated site in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Wyoming, United States - RVT150D86 (Novaseq) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031093 | Metatranscriptome of soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_RNA_198 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031908 | Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C24D1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031946 | Lab enrichment of tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.bulkMG.HF172 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031995 | Maize rhizosphere microbial communities from greenhouse at UC Davis, California, United States - 322HYB-O-2 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300032004 | Maize rhizosphere microbial communities from greenhouse at UC Davis, California, United States - DK15-O-3 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300032066 | Tropical soil microbial communities from Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico - GRE.SIPMG.176b2f18 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032159 | Agave microbial communities from Guanajuato, Mexico - As.Ma.e (v2) | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300032179 | Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - T20D2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032180 | Hardwood forest soil microbial communities from Morgan-Monroe State Forest, Indiana, United States - atmos_gasesAM3C_515 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033551 | Soil microbial communities from agricultural site in Penn Yan, New York, United States - 12C_Control_Day5 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
Geographical Distribution | |
Zoom: | Powered by OpenStreetMap |
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Protein ID | Sample Taxon ID | Habitat | Sequence |
Ga0066388_1072491072 | 3300005332 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASRHLH |
Ga0070697_1011800201 | 3300005536 | Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere | MYGTILLAAALEHWDRYSAHALAAREVATALAMGTTRHLHVLSVYDYNFKAPASGLPLEMVAQLREEDLR |
Ga0068857_1015070741 | 3300005577 | Corn Rhizosphere | MMYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHARAARDVAATLAKGAAQP |
Ga0066903_1077819651 | 3300005764 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILIAAALQDWERYSAHALAARAVAATLAQGASRQLHVLSVYDYPP |
Ga0075427_100399521 | 3300006194 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLHVLSVY |
Ga0075422_100241391 | 3300006196 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYNSILLAVALQRWERYSAHALAVREVAAAVAKHAATPVQVLS |
Ga0075428_1001614661 | 3300006844 | Populus Rhizosphere | MLVAALQDWERYSTHALAARAVAATLAKGAAQPLHVLSVYDYPPVETTDLPPEL |
Ga0075421_1001792683 | 3300006845 | Populus Rhizosphere | MLVAALQDWERYSTHVLAARAVAATLAKGAAQPLHVLSVYDYPPLE |
Ga0075430_1009476101 | 3300006846 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYQSIMLAVALQDWERYSAHAQAAREVAGALAKGAATP |
Ga0075431_1004738815 | 3300006847 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARNVAATLAKGAAQ |
Ga0075425_1026747121 | 3300006854 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQKWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAQGTSHHLY |
Ga0079218_111511891 | 3300007004 | Agricultural Soil | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARDVAATLAKGAAQP |
Ga0099829_117006921 | 3300009038 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAAREVAATLAKGAAQQLHVLSVY |
Ga0099827_101027781 | 3300009090 | Vadose Zone Soil | MVYTTILLAAALQKWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAKG |
Ga0099827_114850091 | 3300009090 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYRTVLLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGATHRLHVLS |
Ga0075418_113550923 | 3300009100 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQKWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGTGKHLYVVSVYDYPS |
Ga0114129_120598122 | 3300009147 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYNSILLAVALQRWERYSAHALAVREVAAAVAKHAATPVQV |
Ga0105249_103648253 | 3300009553 | Switchgrass Rhizosphere | MYRTILLASALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGAALHLHVLSVY |
Ga0114944_13281991 | 3300009691 | Thermal Springs | MFNTILLAAALQRWERYSAHALASRDVAATLARQAQQLC |
Ga0126374_106109741 | 3300009792 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALQKWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAQGISHHLYVLSVYDYPP |
Ga0105070_10887231 | 3300009815 | Groundwater Sand | MYRTILLAAALQDWDRYSAHAVAAREVAATLAKGATHHL |
Ga0126315_112243872 | 3300010038 | Serpentine Soil | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARDVAATLAKGAAQPLHVLSVYDYP |
Ga0126384_115598051 | 3300010046 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYRTILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGAAHHLHVLSV |
Ga0126382_103830442 | 3300010047 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYRTILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGATHHLHVLSVYDYNFKAP |
Ga0126382_107325461 | 3300010047 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYRTILLAAALQDWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGATHHLHVLS |
Ga0126382_108389451 | 3300010047 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALQKWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAQGTSH |
Ga0127457_10603421 | 3300010081 | Grasslands Soil | MYTTILLAAALQNWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGTANHLHVLSVYD* |
Ga0127501_10078182 | 3300010097 | Grasslands Soil | MYTTILLAAALQHWERYSAHALAARAVAATLAKGTANHLHVLSVYD* |
Ga0127494_10546322 | 3300010107 | Grasslands Soil | MSTTILLAAALQHWERYSAHALAARAVAATLAKGTANHLHVLSVYD* |
Ga0127458_10280602 | 3300010112 | Grasslands Soil | MYTTILLAAALQHWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGTAN |
Ga0127452_10522652 | 3300010119 | Grasslands Soil | MSTTILLAAALQHWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGTAN |
Ga0126370_100967971 | 3300010358 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALQKWDRYSAHALAAREVAATMAQGTSHHLYVLSVYD |
Ga0126376_121594761 | 3300010359 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALEHWDRYSAHALAARDVAAAMAKGTTQHLHVLS |
Ga0126372_102749561 | 3300010360 | Tropical Forest Soil | MMSTTILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLHVL |
Ga0126383_102076131 | 3300010398 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALQQWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAQGTSHHLYVLS |
Ga0126383_113795303 | 3300010398 | Tropical Forest Soil | MYTTILLSVALQDWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASPPL |
Ga0137383_104305972 | 3300012199 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYTTILLAAALQAWERYSTHALATRDVAGTLAKGASHHLHVL |
Ga0137383_104377441 | 3300012199 | Vadose Zone Soil | MMSTTILLAAALQKWERYSAHALAARDVAATLAKGTSHQLH |
Ga0137363_105016462 | 3300012202 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYRTVLLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGATHHLHVLSVYDY |
Ga0150985_1121857621 | 3300012212 | Avena Fatua Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQKWERYSAHALAAREVAATLAQGTSHHLYVLSVYDDP |
Ga0137369_108225271 | 3300012355 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYKNILLAAALQQWERYSVHALAARDVAAALARHAKQLHVLSV |
Ga0134059_11996501 | 3300012402 | Grasslands Soil | MYRTILLAAALEHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGAAHNLHVLS |
Ga0134053_11468632 | 3300012406 | Grasslands Soil | MSTTILLAAALQHWERYSAHALAARAVAATLAKGTAN |
Ga0137397_103128771 | 3300012685 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLH |
Ga0126369_123556092 | 3300012971 | Tropical Forest Soil | MRSTTILLAAALQHWDRSSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLHVLSVYDYPP |
Ga0182000_102033552 | 3300014487 | Soil | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHTLAAREVAATLAKGVAGSIR* |
Ga0182037_106939681 | 3300016404 | Soil | ILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGTSHHLH |
Ga0184625_104778882 | 3300018081 | Groundwater Sediment | MYKNILLAAALQHWERYSAHALAARDVAAALARHAKQLHVLSVYEQEARR |
Ga0184639_103163282 | 3300018082 | Groundwater Sediment | MFDTILLAAALQQWERYSAYALAARDVAGALARQAKQLHVLSIYEYEQLR |
Ga0137417_14491555 | 3300024330 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYPPILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAAREVAATLAKGAAAAAPCLERL |
Ga0207674_113355531 | 3300026116 | Corn Rhizosphere | MMYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHARAARDVAATLAKGAAQPLHVLSVYD |
Ga0209843_10684692 | 3300027511 | Groundwater Sand | MYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLHIL |
Ga0209481_106990271 | 3300027880 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYQTILMAVALQQWEQYSAHALAAREVAAAIARGASRRLHVLSLYDHEND |
Ga0209590_105749571 | 3300027882 | Vadose Zone Soil | MYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSTHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLP |
Ga0207428_105063532 | 3300027907 | Populus Rhizosphere | MYRTILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGSMAIGATHHLHV |
Ga0247827_102831532 | 3300028889 | Soil | MYRTILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAIGATHHLH |
Ga0268386_104984051 | 3300030619 | Soil | MYHAILLAVALQDWERYSAHATAARDVAALLAKGAAL |
Ga0308197_100134661 | 3300031093 | Soil | VMYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSAHALAAREVAATPFASS |
Ga0310900_111090251 | 3300031908 | Soil | MYRTILLAAALQHWDRYSAHALAAREVAGAMAISA |
Ga0307409_1027115201 | 3300031995 | Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARDVVATLAKGAAQPLHVL |
Ga0307414_105029041 | 3300032004 | Rhizosphere | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARAVAAPLAKGAAQPLHVLSVYDY |
Ga0268251_102931571 | 3300032159 | Agave | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARNVAATLAKGAAQQLHV |
Ga0268251_105045362 | 3300032159 | Agave | MYTTILLAAALQDWERYSTHALAARNVAATLAKGAA |
Ga0307471_1028046272 | 3300032180 | Hardwood Forest Soil | MYTTILLAAALQNWDRYSAHALAAREVAATLAKGASHHLHVLSVYDPPTHRHG |
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