A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F096280

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F096280

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Basic Information
Family ID F096280
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 105
Average Sequence Length 40 residues
Number of Associated Samples 38
Number of Associated Scaffolds 105

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Eukaryota
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 0.00 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 100.00 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 100.00 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 33
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.52

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Eukaryota (95.238 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2759
Taxonomy All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Host-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere
(47.619 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(94.286 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Host-associated → Plant → Plant rhizosphere
(95.238 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 55.22%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 44.78%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.52
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms96.19 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A3.81 %

Powered by ApexCharts

Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
2209111006|2214876340All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis583Open in IMG/M
3300000041|ARcpr5oldR_c010142All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis801Open in IMG/M
3300000041|ARcpr5oldR_c014126All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis688Open in IMG/M
3300000041|ARcpr5oldR_c024059All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis555Open in IMG/M
3300000043|ARcpr5yngRDRAFT_c019618Not Available571Open in IMG/M
3300000043|ARcpr5yngRDRAFT_c023184All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis529Open in IMG/M
3300003379|JGI26142J50222_102839All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica514Open in IMG/M
3300005276|Ga0065717_1000495All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis992Open in IMG/M
3300005276|Ga0065717_1000771All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis582Open in IMG/M
3300005276|Ga0065717_1009569All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis644Open in IMG/M
3300005276|Ga0065717_1009679All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis643Open in IMG/M
3300005277|Ga0065716_1012887All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica586Open in IMG/M
3300005718|Ga0068866_10461929All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis832Open in IMG/M
3300012473|Ga0157340_1016263All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis587Open in IMG/M
3300012475|Ga0157317_1016988All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis617Open in IMG/M
3300012477|Ga0157336_1040483All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis500Open in IMG/M
3300012480|Ga0157346_1022368All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis562Open in IMG/M
3300012482|Ga0157318_1014139All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis638Open in IMG/M
3300012482|Ga0157318_1019072All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis594Open in IMG/M
3300012482|Ga0157318_1029662All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis534Open in IMG/M
3300012483|Ga0157337_1039167All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis517Open in IMG/M
3300012485|Ga0157325_1032733All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis530Open in IMG/M
3300012488|Ga0157343_1017996Not Available614Open in IMG/M
3300012488|Ga0157343_1031017All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis539Open in IMG/M
3300012488|Ga0157343_1036581All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis518Open in IMG/M
3300012490|Ga0157322_1025026All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis602Open in IMG/M
3300012497|Ga0157319_1055075All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis504Open in IMG/M
3300012498|Ga0157345_1005846All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis965Open in IMG/M
3300012498|Ga0157345_1041156All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis556Open in IMG/M
3300012500|Ga0157314_1012310All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis767Open in IMG/M
3300012500|Ga0157314_1038426All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis568Open in IMG/M
3300012505|Ga0157339_1041533All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis579Open in IMG/M
3300012505|Ga0157339_1072002All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis500Open in IMG/M
3300012506|Ga0157324_1009850All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis797Open in IMG/M
3300012506|Ga0157324_1054314All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis530Open in IMG/M
3300012507|Ga0157342_1079353All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis514Open in IMG/M
3300012510|Ga0157316_1019461All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis728Open in IMG/M
3300012513|Ga0157326_1025752All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis753Open in IMG/M
3300012513|Ga0157326_1044282All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis634Open in IMG/M
3300012513|Ga0157326_1076714All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis540Open in IMG/M
3300013285|Ga0136642_1093314All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis780Open in IMG/M
3300013285|Ga0136642_1100749All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis744Open in IMG/M
3300015371|Ga0132258_12065845All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1433Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_100728562All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1234Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_100902321All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1108Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_101072207All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1016Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_101078398All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1013Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_101289714All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis927Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_101688889All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis812Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_101932421All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis760Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102061819All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis736Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102080950All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis733Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102140233All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis723Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102299216Not Available699Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102550623All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis664Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102555707All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica664Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102732743All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis643Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102896839All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis625Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_102955395All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis619Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_103102598All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis605Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_103492468All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis572Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_103583364All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis565Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_103637557All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis561Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_103778658All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis551Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_104281130Not Available519Open in IMG/M
3300015373|Ga0132257_104601034All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis502Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_101162969All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1161Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_102639810All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis768Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_102758017All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis751Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_103111537All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis708Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_103209628All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis697Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_103565531All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis662Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_103926749All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis631Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_104125731All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis616Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_104447862All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis594Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_104737737All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis576Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_105141623All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis554Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_105547952All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis534Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_105555617All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis thaliana533Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_105757849All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis524Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_105758546All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis524Open in IMG/M
3300020070|Ga0206356_11312661All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica505Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1007186All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1238Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1010834All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1085Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1012381All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis1037Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1023133All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis838Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1026550All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis798Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1031991All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis745Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1034274All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis726Open in IMG/M
3300027252|Ga0209973_1060517All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis582Open in IMG/M
3300027424|Ga0209984_1067697All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis532Open in IMG/M
3300027526|Ga0209968_1095858All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis539Open in IMG/M
3300027614|Ga0209970_1047391All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica773Open in IMG/M
3300027614|Ga0209970_1076186All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis627Open in IMG/M
3300027717|Ga0209998_10095141All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis733Open in IMG/M
3300027717|Ga0209998_10148580All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis601Open in IMG/M
3300027717|Ga0209998_10175770All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis556Open in IMG/M
3300027876|Ga0209974_10176384All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis781Open in IMG/M
3300027876|Ga0209974_10180421All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis773Open in IMG/M
3300027876|Ga0209974_10206728All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica727Open in IMG/M
3300027876|Ga0209974_10316903All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis599Open in IMG/M
3300027876|Ga0209974_10360682All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis → Arabidopsis suecica565Open in IMG/M
3300028261|Ga0256316_1061098All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis658Open in IMG/M
3300030545|Ga0210271_11049871All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis609Open in IMG/M
3300030741|Ga0265459_13056689All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → eudicotyledons → Gunneridae → Pentapetalae → rosids → malvids → Brassicales → Brassicaceae → Camelineae → Arabidopsis584Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere47.62%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere25.71%
Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Thaliana Rhizosphere20.00%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater1.90%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Forest Soil → Soil1.90%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → River → Unclassified → Freshwater0.95%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.95%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.95%

Powered by ApexCharts

Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
2209111006Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from the University of North Carolina - sample Wild type Col-0Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300000041Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from the University of North Carolina - sample from Arabidopsis cpr5 old rhizosphereHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300000043Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from the University of North Carolina - sample from Arabidopsis cpr5 young rhizosphereHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300003379Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Inoculated plant Co S PMHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005276Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from the University of North Carolina - sample Mutant cpr5Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005277Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from the University of North Carolina - sample Wild type Col-0Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300005718Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Miscanthus M2-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012473Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Cvi.12.yng.090610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012475Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Col.10.old.080610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012477Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Col.3.yng.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012480Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.5.yng.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012482Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Cvi.2.old.130510Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012483Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Col.4.yng.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012485Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.7.old.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012488Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Cvi.4.yng.030610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012490Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.4.old.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012497Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Cvi.2.old.240510Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012498Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.3.yng.090410Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012500Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Col.4.old.080610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012505Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Col.10.yng.090610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012506Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.6.old.040610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012507Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Cvi.7.yng.070610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012510Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Col.9.old.080610Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012513Arabidopsis rhizosphere microbial communities from North Carolina - M.Oy.2.old.250510Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300013285Freshwater microbial communities from Lower Cathedral Lake, Yosemite National Park, California, USA - 13028-31YEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015371Combined assembly of cpr5 and col0 rhizosphere and soilHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015373Combined assembly of cpr5 rhizosphereHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015374Col-0 rhizosphere combined assemblyHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300020070Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - Diel MetaT C5am-1 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027252Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Inoculated plant Co S PM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027424Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Inoculated plant M2 S PM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027526Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Inoculated plant M2 AM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027614Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Inoculated plant Co S AM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027717Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Endophyte Co-N S PM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300027876Arabidopsis thaliana rhizosphere microbial communities from the Joint Genome Institute, USA, that affect carbon cycling - Inoculated plant M3 S PM (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028261Metatranscriptome of freshwater microbial communities from St. Lawrence River, New York, United States - Law_Law_RepB_8h (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030545Metatranscriptome of forest soil microbial communities from Boreal Montmorency Forest, Quebec, Canada - FO142-VCO033SO (Eukaryote Community Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030741Forest Soil Metatranscriptomes Boreal Montmorency Forest, Quebec, Canada ANR Co-assemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
22139274812209111006Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDLMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA
ARcpr5oldR_01014213300000041Arabidopsis RhizosphereSFEKQEEGRLVFSSRI*LVVMCMIEYNTLNRNSILKA*
ARcpr5oldR_01412613300000041Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYNNLNRNSILKA*
ARcpr5oldR_02405913300000041Arabidopsis RhizosphereMECLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRM*LDLMCMIEYKN
Ga0065717_100049513300005276Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFRSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNHNPIL*
Ga0065717_100077113300005276Arabidopsis RhizosphereSYGLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LEVMGIFEYKNLNRNTILXA*
Ga0065717_100956913300005276Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRILLDLMCMIEYKNLNRNRILQA*
Ga0065717_100967913300005276Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNKIL*
Ga0065716_101288713300005277Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSQI*LVVMSMIEYNNLNRNSILKA*
Ga0068866_1046192913300005718Miscanthus RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LVVMCMIEYNNLNRNPILKA*
Ga0157340_101626313300012473Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNHNPIL*
Ga0157317_101698813300012475Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVVCMIEYKNLNRNPIL*
Ga0157336_104048313300012477Arabidopsis RhizosphereHESFEKQEEGWLVFQSRI*LDVMTMIEYKNLNRNPIIKA*
Ga0157346_102236823300012480Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*HDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPIL*
Ga0157318_101413913300012482Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LVVMCMNEYNNLNRNSILKA*
Ga0157318_101907213300012482Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDGMCMIEYKNLNRNRILNA*
Ga0157318_102966213300012482Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSQI*LVVMCMNEYNNLNRNPMLKA*
Ga0157337_103916713300012483Arabidopsis RhizosphereGLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSQI*LDVMCMIEYKYLNRNRILKA*
Ga0157325_103273313300012485Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEQGWLVFWSRI*IHVMCMIEYNNLNRNMIL*
Ga0157343_101799613300012488Arabidopsis RhizosphereHESFEKQEEGWLVFWRRI*LDVMCMIDYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0157343_103101713300012488Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQAEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRKPIL*
Ga0157343_103658113300012488Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPIL*
Ga0157322_102502613300012490Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESIEKQEEG*LVFWSQI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0157319_105507513300012497Arabidopsis RhizosphereSFEKQEEDWLVFWSRI*LDVNCMIEYKNLNRNPIL*
Ga0157345_100584613300012498Arabidopsis RhizosphereKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0157345_104115613300012498Arabidopsis RhizosphereKDSYGLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLMFWSQICLDAMCMIEYKNLNRNPIF*
Ga0157314_101231013300012500Arabidopsis RhizosphereEKQEEGWLVFSSRI*LVVMCMIEYKNLNRNSILKA*
Ga0157314_103842613300012500Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDLMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0157339_104153313300012505Arabidopsis RhizosphereSFEKQEEGWLVFSSRI*LVFMCMIEYKNLNRNSILKA*
Ga0157339_107200213300012505Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFDKQEEGWLVFWSRI*HYVMCMIEYKNLNRNPILKA*
Ga0157324_100985013300012506Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPILKA*
Ga0157324_105431413300012506Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*HVVMCMTEYKNLNRNPILKA*
Ga0157342_107935313300012507Arabidopsis RhizosphereGLWLHNESYEKQEEGWLVFLRRI*LDVMCIIEYKNLNRNPILKA*
Ga0157316_101946113300012510Arabidopsis RhizosphereWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDLMCMIKYKNLNRNKILKT*
Ga0157326_102575213300012513Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEKGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLSRNPILKA*
Ga0157326_104428213300012513Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPIL*
Ga0157326_107671413300012513Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFQKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0132258_1206584513300015371Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFKKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNLNRILKA*
Ga0132257_10072856213300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereHQSFEKQEEAWLGYRSQI*LYVMCMIEYKNLNCNWIFKA*
Ga0132257_10107220713300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereWLHHESFEKQEEDWLVFWSRI*LVVMCMIEYNNLNRNLILQA*
Ga0132257_10107839813300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereHQSFEKQEEAWLVFWNQI*LDVMCMIEFKNENRNWIFKAEVVFPC*
Ga0132257_10128971413300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereWLHHESFEEQEEGWLVFWSQI*LDVMCKIEYNNLNRNQILKA*
Ga0132257_10168888913300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereYQSFEKQEEAWLVFWSQI*VDVMCIIEYKNLNRNRILKD*
Ga0132257_10193242113300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LVVMCMIEYNNLNRNSILKAKVVYRC*
Ga0132257_10206181913300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKLEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNTILSA*
Ga0132257_10208095013300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSQI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNCNRILKA*
Ga0132257_10214023313300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereGFWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*IDVMCMIEYKNLNHNPIL*
Ga0132257_10229921613300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereHQSFKKQEEAWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKKLNRNQSLKA*
Ga0132257_10255062313300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMYIIEYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0132257_10255570713300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKLEEAWLVVWSLI*LDVMCMIEYNNLNRNSILKD*
Ga0132257_10273274313300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LVVMCIIEYKNLNNNTIL*
Ga0132257_10289683913300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEG*LVFWSRI*LDGMCMIKYKNLNRKRILKA*
Ga0132257_10295539513300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESCENQEEGWLVF*SQI*LDVMCMIEYNNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0132257_10310259813300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQDEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNHNRIL*
Ga0132257_10349246813300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNHNLIL*
Ga0132257_10358336413300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYNNINRNPILKA*
Ga0132257_10363755713300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNSIL*
Ga0132257_10377865813300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LHVMCMIEYNNLNRNPIL*
Ga0132257_10428113013300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereEKQEEAWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNYNLILKA*
Ga0132257_10460103413300015373Arabidopsis RhizosphereQHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMRMIEYNNFNRNQILKAKLVFPC*
Ga0132255_10116296913300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereSFEKQEEAWLVFWSRI*LDAMCMIEYKNLNRNPSLKSKVVFPC*
Ga0132255_10263981013300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNPNSILNA*
Ga0132255_10275801713300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereSFEKQQEGWLVFWSQI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPIL*
Ga0132255_10311153713300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereIWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYNNLNRNLILQA*
Ga0132255_10320962813300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWS*I*LDVMCIIEYNNLNRNPILKA*
Ga0132255_10356553113300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereFEKQEEA*LVFWSRI*LDVMCMIEYKNLNRNHILKP*
Ga0132255_10392674913300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereQKTEEGWLVFWSRI*LDLMCMIKYKNLNRNKILKA*
Ga0132255_10412573113300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereKAKDSYGL*LHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVVCMIVYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0132255_10444786223300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*FDVMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA*
Ga0132255_10473773713300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LVVMCMIEYNNLNPNSILKA*
Ga0132255_10514162313300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFSSRI*LVVMCMIEYKNLNRNSILKALVVYPC*
Ga0132255_10554795213300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereHHESFKKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCLIEYNNLNRNPIL*
Ga0132255_10575784913300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFSSQI*LVAMCMIEYNNLNRNSILKA*
Ga0132255_10575854613300015374Arabidopsis RhizosphereSFDKQEEGWLVFWSRI*LDVMCIIEYKNLNRNTFL*
Ga0206356_1131266113300020070Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPILKA
Ga0209973_100718613300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereHESFKKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPIL
Ga0209973_101083413300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRMXLDLMCMIEYKNLNRNMILKA
Ga0209973_101238113300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereSFQKLEEAWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA
Ga0209973_102313313300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereDSYRLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRMXLDLMCMIEYKNLNRNYIL
Ga0209973_102655013300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFSSRIXLGVMCMIEYNNLNRNSILKA
Ga0209973_103199113300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereGLWLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYNNLNRNPILKA
Ga0209973_103427413300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereSFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLVVMCMIEYNNLNRNSILKA
Ga0209973_106051713300027252Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIENKNLNRILIL
Ga0209984_106769713300027424Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNPIIKA
Ga0209968_109585813300027526Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereESFEKQEEGWLVFSSRIXLVVMCMIEYNNLNRNTILKA
Ga0209970_104739113300027614Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereHHETCEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNRILKA
Ga0209970_107618613300027614Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereMECLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRMXLDLMCMIEYKN
Ga0209998_1009514113300027717Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSXIXLDVMCIIEYKNLNRNIIL
Ga0209998_1014858013300027717Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereSFEKQKEGWLVFWSKIXLDLMCMIEYKDLNRNRILKA
Ga0209998_1017577013300027717Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereSFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNTILKA
Ga0209974_1017638413300027876Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereSFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVMCMIEYKNLNRNWILKA
Ga0209974_1018042123300027876Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereLWLHHESFDKQEEGWLVFSSQIXLVVMCMIEYINLNHNSSLKT
Ga0209974_1020672813300027876Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereKQEKAWLLFWSQICLDVMCMIEYKNSNRNWILKAQVVFPC
Ga0209974_1031690313300027876Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereESFDKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVICMIEYKNLNRNKILKA
Ga0209974_1036068213300027876Arabidopsis Thaliana RhizosphereLHHESFEKQEEGWLVFWSRIXLDVVCMIEYKNLNRNPIL


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