A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F081245

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F081245

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Basic Information
Family ID F081245
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 114
Average Sequence Length 37 residues
Number of Associated Samples 89
Number of Associated Scaffolds 114

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Viruses
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 78.95 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 4.39 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 69.30 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 82
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.29

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Duplodnaviria (44.737 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2731341
Taxonomy All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater
(12.281 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(44.737 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Free-living → Non-saline → Water (non-saline)
(52.632 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 37.50%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 62.50%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.29
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 114 Family Scaffolds
PF06067DUF932 5.26
PF136402OG-FeII_Oxy_3 1.75
PF04572Gb3_synth 0.88
PF02511Thy1 0.88
PF05257CHAP 0.88
PF02675AdoMet_dc 0.88
PF13385Laminin_G_3 0.88
PF02945Endonuclease_7 0.88
PF01844HNH 0.88

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 114 Family Scaffolds
COG1351Thymidylate synthase ThyX, FAD-dependent familyNucleotide transport and metabolism [F] 0.88
COG1586S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylaseAmino acid transport and metabolism [E] 0.88



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms64.04 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A35.96 %

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Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
2199352005|2200043897All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage547Open in IMG/M
3300000756|JGI12421J11937_10160515All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage548Open in IMG/M
3300001847|RCM41_1089305Not Available644Open in IMG/M
3300002408|B570J29032_109259278Not Available659Open in IMG/M
3300002408|B570J29032_109818633All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1459Open in IMG/M
3300002835|B570J40625_100025585Not Available9621Open in IMG/M
3300005517|Ga0070374_10070448All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1822Open in IMG/M
3300005527|Ga0068876_10214183All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1114Open in IMG/M
3300005528|Ga0068872_10027435All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage3743Open in IMG/M
3300005580|Ga0049083_10117296Not Available918Open in IMG/M
3300005581|Ga0049081_10345529All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage505Open in IMG/M
3300005583|Ga0049085_10320051Not Available502Open in IMG/M
3300005662|Ga0078894_10050603Not Available3519Open in IMG/M
3300005662|Ga0078894_11442780All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage573Open in IMG/M
3300005662|Ga0078894_11615908All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage534Open in IMG/M
3300005941|Ga0070743_10003710All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes5595Open in IMG/M
3300005941|Ga0070743_10239068Not Available591Open in IMG/M
3300006030|Ga0075470_10017640All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral2210Open in IMG/M
3300006641|Ga0075471_10661524All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage509Open in IMG/M
3300006875|Ga0075473_10102562All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1134Open in IMG/M
3300007546|Ga0102874_1269472All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage514Open in IMG/M
3300007632|Ga0102894_1092738All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage794Open in IMG/M
3300007974|Ga0105747_1223348All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage625Open in IMG/M
3300007992|Ga0105748_10159064All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage928Open in IMG/M
3300008107|Ga0114340_1000599Not Available62989Open in IMG/M
3300008107|Ga0114340_1007121Not Available8235Open in IMG/M
3300008107|Ga0114340_1045365Not Available1948Open in IMG/M
3300008107|Ga0114340_1201472All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage667Open in IMG/M
3300008108|Ga0114341_10302630All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage830Open in IMG/M
3300008108|Ga0114341_10389370Not Available681Open in IMG/M
3300008110|Ga0114343_1062623All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1393Open in IMG/M
3300008114|Ga0114347_1007139All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes5940Open in IMG/M
3300008116|Ga0114350_1007262Not Available5756Open in IMG/M
3300008116|Ga0114350_1140878All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage690Open in IMG/M
3300008261|Ga0114336_1083685All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1541Open in IMG/M
3300008448|Ga0114876_1012337Not Available4787Open in IMG/M
3300008953|Ga0104241_1009975All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage651Open in IMG/M
3300008996|Ga0102831_1190536Not Available678Open in IMG/M
3300009165|Ga0105102_10236527All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage926Open in IMG/M
3300009169|Ga0105097_10265343All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage947Open in IMG/M
3300009194|Ga0114983_1072582All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage781Open in IMG/M
3300009419|Ga0114982_1018684All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral2327Open in IMG/M
3300009419|Ga0114982_1065400All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1135Open in IMG/M
3300010354|Ga0129333_10034494All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage4779Open in IMG/M
3300010966|Ga0137675_1000054Not Available10697Open in IMG/M
3300012017|Ga0153801_1045126All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage778Open in IMG/M
3300012665|Ga0157210_1000595Not Available14319Open in IMG/M
3300013004|Ga0164293_10348121All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1012Open in IMG/M
3300017761|Ga0181356_1121849All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage832Open in IMG/M
3300020141|Ga0211732_1383944All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1466Open in IMG/M
3300020141|Ga0211732_1567859Not Available18827Open in IMG/M
3300020151|Ga0211736_10803110All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage829Open in IMG/M
3300020159|Ga0211734_10154726Not Available511Open in IMG/M
3300020159|Ga0211734_10431979Not Available654Open in IMG/M
3300020161|Ga0211726_10982205All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage700Open in IMG/M
3300020172|Ga0211729_11001577All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral3704Open in IMG/M
3300020205|Ga0211731_11536038Not Available937Open in IMG/M
3300020487|Ga0208200_105341All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1051Open in IMG/M
3300020506|Ga0208091_1016785All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage870Open in IMG/M
3300020506|Ga0208091_1016947All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage865Open in IMG/M
3300020514|Ga0208202_1041359Not Available500Open in IMG/M
3300020515|Ga0208234_1019478Not Available796Open in IMG/M
3300020560|Ga0208852_1079396All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage501Open in IMG/M
3300020573|Ga0208485_1013260All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1800Open in IMG/M
3300021961|Ga0222714_10000425Not Available48763Open in IMG/M
3300021961|Ga0222714_10037205All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage3529Open in IMG/M
3300021961|Ga0222714_10485830All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage636Open in IMG/M
3300021962|Ga0222713_10041400All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage3603Open in IMG/M
3300021962|Ga0222713_10133714All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1733Open in IMG/M
3300021963|Ga0222712_10176476All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1419Open in IMG/M
3300022591|Ga0236341_1003451All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage7430Open in IMG/M
3300023174|Ga0214921_10069087All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral2898Open in IMG/M
3300024343|Ga0244777_10164921All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1428Open in IMG/M
3300024346|Ga0244775_10006587Not Available11553Open in IMG/M
3300024346|Ga0244775_10038686Not Available4210Open in IMG/M
3300024346|Ga0244775_10074109All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral2915Open in IMG/M
3300024348|Ga0244776_10298032All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1102Open in IMG/M
3300024348|Ga0244776_10659064Not Available652Open in IMG/M
3300024496|Ga0255151_1060270Not Available614Open in IMG/M
3300025732|Ga0208784_1003440All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes6064Open in IMG/M
3300025896|Ga0208916_10350094Not Available644Open in IMG/M
3300027132|Ga0255110_1045910All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage696Open in IMG/M
3300027144|Ga0255102_1001057Not Available7247Open in IMG/M
3300027365|Ga0209300_1059875All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage613Open in IMG/M
3300027418|Ga0208022_1018456All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1642Open in IMG/M
3300027621|Ga0208951_1115938Not Available720Open in IMG/M
3300027710|Ga0209599_10000753Not Available18787Open in IMG/M
3300027710|Ga0209599_10060554All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage996Open in IMG/M
(restricted) 3300027730|Ga0247833_1115219All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1151Open in IMG/M
3300027793|Ga0209972_10316733All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage683Open in IMG/M
3300027805|Ga0209229_10146737All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1063Open in IMG/M
3300027805|Ga0209229_10406684All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage590Open in IMG/M
3300027816|Ga0209990_10299611All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage720Open in IMG/M
3300028025|Ga0247723_1031475All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1665Open in IMG/M
3300028025|Ga0247723_1048779All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1222Open in IMG/M
3300028103|Ga0255172_1021720Not Available1229Open in IMG/M
3300028178|Ga0265593_1104223Not Available755Open in IMG/M
3300031758|Ga0315907_10013119Not Available8043Open in IMG/M
3300031758|Ga0315907_10058108All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral3380Open in IMG/M
3300031758|Ga0315907_10118272All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral2263Open in IMG/M
3300031857|Ga0315909_10044143Not Available4188Open in IMG/M
3300031963|Ga0315901_10811728Not Available677Open in IMG/M
3300032092|Ga0315905_10264818All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage1663Open in IMG/M
3300033816|Ga0334980_0000095Not Available41955Open in IMG/M
3300033816|Ga0334980_0421626All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage503Open in IMG/M
3300033992|Ga0334992_0069495All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral1945Open in IMG/M
3300033993|Ga0334994_0023694All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral4048Open in IMG/M
3300033994|Ga0334996_0132545Not Available1409Open in IMG/M
3300033996|Ga0334979_0582130Not Available596Open in IMG/M
3300034022|Ga0335005_0016113All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes5288Open in IMG/M
3300034061|Ga0334987_0678105All Organisms → Viruses → Duplodnaviria → Heunggongvirae → Uroviricota → Caudoviricetes → environmental samples → uncultured Caudovirales phage594Open in IMG/M
3300034063|Ga0335000_0608240Not Available613Open in IMG/M
3300034092|Ga0335010_0082967All Organisms → Viruses → Predicted Viral2183Open in IMG/M
3300034116|Ga0335068_0139536Not Available1321Open in IMG/M

Note: Some of these datasets are restricted, as per the data usage policy of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Utilizing any of their features below requires obtaining a license from the datasets' corresponding author(s).


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater12.28%
Freshwater, PlanktonEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater, Plankton9.65%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater9.65%
Freshwater LakeEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Unclassified → Freshwater Lake7.89%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Epilimnion → Freshwater7.02%
EstuarineEnvironmental → Aquatic → Marine → Intertidal Zone → Estuary → Estuarine6.14%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Unclassified → Unclassified → Freshwater5.26%
Estuarine WaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Marine → Unclassified → Unclassified → Estuarine Water5.26%
Deep SubsurfaceEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Deep Subsurface → Unclassified → Unclassified → Deep Subsurface5.26%
AqueousEnvironmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Aqueous4.39%
EstuarineEnvironmental → Aquatic → Marine → Unclassified → Unclassified → Estuarine4.39%
Freshwater LenticEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Unclassified → Freshwater Lentic3.51%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → River → Unclassified → Freshwater3.51%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Unclassified → Freshwater2.63%
Freshwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Sediment → Unclassified → Freshwater Sediment1.75%
Freshwater And SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Unclassified → Freshwater And Sediment1.75%
Estuary WaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Estuary Water1.75%
Deep Subsurface SedimentEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Deep Subsurface → Unclassified → Unclassified → Deep Subsurface Sediment1.75%
Freshwater And SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Hypolimnion → Freshwater And Sediment0.88%
Freshwater LakeEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater Lake0.88%
Marine PlanktonEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lotic → Unclassified → Marine Plankton0.88%
FreshwaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lotic → Unclassified → Freshwater0.88%
Pond Fresh WaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Pond → Unclassified → Pond Fresh Water0.88%
Freshwater To Marine Saline GradientEnvironmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient0.88%
Saline WaterEnvironmental → Aquatic → Non-Marine Saline And Alkaline → Saline → Unclassified → Saline Water0.88%

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Associated Samples

Note: Some of these datasets are restricted, as per the data usage policy of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Utilizing any of their features below requires obtaining a license from the datasets' corresponding author(s).

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
2199352005Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - Practice 29OCT2010 epilimnionEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300000756Freshwater microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - CCB hypolimnion July 2011EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300001847Marine plankton microbial communities from the Amazon River plume, Atlantic Ocean - RCM41. ROCA_DNA251_0.2um_TAP-D_2aEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300002408Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI, sample - 15JUL2010 deep hole epilimnion (Lake Mendota Combined assembly, ASSEMBLY_DATE=20140123)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300002835Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - (Lake Mendota Combined Ray assembly, ASSEMBLY_DATE=20140605)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005517Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Su13.BD.MM15.SN (version 4)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005527Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erie, under a cyanobacterial bloom - NOAA_Erie_Diel5S_2200h metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005528Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erie, under a cyanobacterial bloom - NOAA_Erie_Diel1S_2200h metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005580Freshwater lentic microbial communities from great Laurentian Lakes, MI, USA - Great Lakes metaG MI27MSRFEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005581Freshwater lentic microbial communities from great Laurentian Lakes, MI, USA - Great Lakes metaG ER78MSRFEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005583Freshwater lentic microbial communities from great Laurentian Lakes, MI, USA - Great Lakes metaG SU08MSRFEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005662Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Su13.BD.MLB.SD (version 4)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005941Estuarine microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary, USA - metaG S.697EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006030Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_D_<0.8_DNAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006641Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_D_>0.8_DNAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006875Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_N_>0.8_DNAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300007546Estuarine microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary - metaG 1547A-02EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300007632Estuarine microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary - metaG 1554A-3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300007974Coastal water column microbial communities from Columbia River Estuary, Oregon, USA - CMOP_DNA_1460C_0.2umEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300007992Coastal water column microbial communities from Columbia River Estuary, Oregon, USA - CMOP_DNA_1461AB_0.2umEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008107Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE2, Sample E2014-0046-3-NAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008108Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE12, Sample E2014-0048-C-NAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008110Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE12, Sample E2014-0048-3-NAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008114Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE2, Sample E2014-0106-C-NAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008116Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE2, Sample E2014-0106-3-NAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008261Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE12, sample HABS-E2014-0024-C-NAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008448Freshwater viral communities during cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CHABs) in Western Lake Erie, USA - August 4, 2014 all contigsEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008953Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Lanier in Georgia, USA - LL_1007_MT4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300008996Estuarine microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary - Freshwater metaG S.747EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009165Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (6) Depth 1-3cm September2015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009169Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (1) Depth 10-12cm May2015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009194Subsurface microbial communities from deep shales in Ohio, USA - Utica-3 well 1 S input2 RTEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009419Subsurface microbial communities from deep shales in Ohio, USA - Utica-3 well 1 S input2 FTEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010354Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_0.6_0.8_DNAEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010966Freshwater microbial communities from the surface of the forest pond in Jussy, Geneva, Switzerland - JEBV1bis, april 2016EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012017Freshwater microbial communities from Central Basin Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada - Station 1208 - Top - Depth 1mEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012665Freshwater microbial communities from Talbot River, Ontario, Canada - S11EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300013004Eutrophic lake water microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA - GEODES118 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017761Freshwater viral communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Fa13.VD.MM110.S.NEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020141Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_104 megahit1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020151Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_202 megahit1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020159Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_108 megahit1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020161Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_101 megahit1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020172Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_102 megahit1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020205Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_103 megahit1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020487Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 13AUG2008 deep hole epilimnion (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020506Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 26OCT2012 deep hole epilimnion (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020514Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 27AUG2008 deep hole epilimnion (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020515Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 27SEP2012 deep hole epilimnion (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020560Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 18JUN2009 deep hole epilimnion ns (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020573Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 17JUL2012 deep hole epilimnion (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021961Estuarine water microbial communities from San Francisco Bay, California, United States - C33_3DEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021962Estuarine water microbial communities from San Francisco Bay, California, United States - C33_649DEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021963Estuarine water microbial communities from San Francisco Bay, California, United States - C33_657DEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022591Freshwater microbial communities from thermokarst lake SAS2a, Kuujjuarapick, Canada - Sample Summer S2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300023174Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Lanier, Atlanta, Georgia, United States - LL-1505EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300024343Combined assembly of estuarine microbial communities from Columbia River, Washington, USA >3um size fractionEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300024346Whole water sample coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
33000243480.2um to 3um size fraction coassemblyEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300024496Freshwater microbial communities from Altamaha River, Georgia, United States - Atl_Yuk_RepB_8hEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025732Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_N_>0.8_DNA (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025896Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Spr_0.19_<0.8_DNA (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027132Freshwater microbial communities from St. Lawrence River, New York, United States - Law_Miss_RepC_8hEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027144Freshwater microbial communities from St. Lawrence River, New York, United States - Law_Cont_RepA_0hEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027365Subsurface microbial communities from deep shales in Ohio, USA - Utica-3 well 1 S input2 RT (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027418Estuarine microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary - Freshwater metaG S.747 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027621Freshwater lentic microbial communities from great Laurentian Lakes, MI, USA - Great Lakes metaG MI27MSRF (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027710Subsurface microbial communities from deep shales in Ohio, USA - Utica-3 well 1 S input2 FT (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027730 (restricted)Freshwater microbial communities from meromictic Lake La Cruz, Castile-La Mancha, Spain - LaCruzMarch2015_8mEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027793Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erie, under a cyanobacterial bloom - NOAA_Erie_Diel1S_2200h metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027805Freshwater and sediment microbial communities from dead zone in Sandusky Bay, Ohio, USA (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027816Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erie, under a cyanobacterial bloom - NOAA_Erie_Diel5S_2200h metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028025Subsurface sediment microbial communities from gas well in West Virginia, United States - MSEEL Well Study Marcellus 5H_FCEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028103Freshwater microbial communities from Altamaha River, Georgia, United States - Atl_Yuk_RepC_8dEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028178Saline water microbial communities from Sakinaw Lake, British Columbia, Canada - sak_2011_5_24_36mEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031758Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 12 MA123EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031857Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 2 MA125EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031963Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 2 MA116EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032092Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 4 MA121EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033816Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME16Sep2004-rr0005EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033992Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME16Jun2014-rr0035EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033993Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME20Jul2012-rr0037EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033994Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME25Jul2006D11-rr0046EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300033996Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME20Jul2016-rr0004EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034022Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME20Apr2018-rr0058EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034061Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME02Sep2004-rr0028EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034063Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME02Oct2008D10-rr0053EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034092Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME03Aug2012-rr0069EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300034116Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-CONTROL-GENDONOREnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Note: Some of these sequences are restricted, as per the data usage policy of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Utilizing any of their features below requires obtaining a license from the datasets' corresponding author(s).

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
JGI12421J11937_1016051513300000756Freshwater And SedimentMIDFVKQLELDNYLSTDEVDPLAKRLDELIKKGEYK*
Ga0070374_1007044843300005517Freshwater LakeMIDYVKQIELNNYLADEQIDPLAQMLDELIKKGGYTK*
Ga0068876_1021418333300005527Freshwater LakeMKDFVKNQELENYWSDSEIDPLAKKLDEIIKKGVYSK*
Ga0068872_1002743583300005528Freshwater LakeMRDFVKNQELENYWSDSEIDPLAKKLDEIIKKGVYSK*
Ga0049083_1011729633300005580Freshwater LenticMINFVKNLELTNYLADEQIDPLAKMLDELILKGEYK*YLQ*
Ga0049081_1034552923300005581Freshwater LenticMIDFVKQLELENYLSDEEIDPLAKRLDELILKGEYK*
Ga0049085_1032005133300005583Freshwater LenticMINFVKDLELTNYLADEQIDPLAKMLDELILKGEYK*
Ga0078894_1005060373300005662Freshwater LakeMDKVTKLELENYLADEQIDPLAKRLDELIKKGSYTK*
Ga0078894_1144278023300005662Freshwater LakeMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPVDELAKTLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0078894_1161590823300005662Freshwater LakeMIDFVKQLELNNYLDENQDELAIKLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0105748_1015906423300007992Estuary WaterMIDFVKQLEINNYLSDEEIDPLTKKLDELILKGEYK*
Ga0114340_1000599853300008107Freshwater, PlanktonMIDFVKQLELNNYLADEQIDPLAKMLDELIKKGEYK*
Ga0114340_100712193300008107Freshwater, PlanktonMIDFVKQLELENYLADEQVDPLAKMLDELIKKGEYK*
Ga0114340_104536583300008107Freshwater, PlanktonVDKLEGIKMIDFVKQLELNNYLDENQDELAIKLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0114340_120147223300008107Freshwater, PlanktonMDKIQKLELENYLADEQIDPLAKMLDEIIKKGSYIK*
Ga0114341_1030263023300008108Freshwater, PlanktonMDKVTKLELENYLADEQIDPLAKMLDEIIKKGSYTK*
Ga0114341_1038937013300008108Freshwater, PlanktonMKNYVEKLELDNYLADEQVDPLATMLDALIQKGEYK*
Ga0114343_106262343300008110Freshwater, PlanktonMDKIQKLELENYLADEQIDPLAKMLDEIIKKGSYTK*
Ga0114347_100713973300008114Freshwater, PlanktonMIDYVKQLELKNYLSDEEIDPLAKRLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0114350_1007262173300008116Freshwater, PlanktonMRNYVKQLELENYLSDEEIDPLAKRLDELILKGEYK*
Ga0114350_114087823300008116Freshwater, PlanktonMKDFVKNEELENYWSDSEIDPLAKKLDEIIKKGVYSK*
Ga0114336_108368523300008261Freshwater, PlanktonMIDFVKQLELENYLSDEQIDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0114876_101233733300008448Freshwater LakeMKIYVEKLELDNYLADEQVDPLATMLDALIQKGEYK*
Ga0105102_1023652713300009165Freshwater SedimentMIDFVKQLELNNYLADEQVDPLAKMLDELILKGEYK*
Ga0105097_1026534313300009169Freshwater SedimentMVRMESVSMIDYVKQLELNNYLDENQDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0114983_107258223300009194Deep SubsurfaceMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPKDELATMLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0114982_101868483300009419Deep SubsurfaceMIDFVKQLELNNYLDENQDPLAKMLDELILKGEYK*
Ga0114982_106540043300009419Deep SubsurfaceMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPIDELAKTLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0129333_1003449423300010354Freshwater To Marine Saline GradientMIDFVKQLEVNNYLADEQVDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK*
Ga0137675_100005433300010966Pond Fresh WaterMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPEDSLATMLDELIKKGEYK*
Ga0222714_10000425473300021961Estuarine WaterMIDFVKQLEVNNYLADEQVDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK
Ga0222714_1003720583300021961Estuarine WaterMIDFVKQLEINNYLADEQVDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK
Ga0222714_1048583013300021961Estuarine WaterMIDFVKQLELNNYLDENQDELAIKLDELISKGEYK
Ga0222713_1004140063300021962Estuarine WaterMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPVDELAKTLDELISKGEYK
Ga0222713_1013371413300021962Estuarine WaterMIDFVKQLEVNDYLADEQVDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK
Ga0222712_1017647653300021963Estuarine WaterMKDFVTNLELENYLADEQIDPLAKMLDEIIKKGSYTK
Ga0209300_105987523300027365Deep SubsurfaceMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPKDELATMLDELISKGEYK
Ga0208951_111593833300027621Freshwater LenticMINFVKNLELTNYLADEQIDPLAKMLDELILKGEYK
Ga0209599_10000753353300027710Deep SubsurfaceMIDFVKQLELNNYLDENQDPLAKMLDELILKGEYK
Ga0209599_1006055413300027710Deep SubsurfaceLMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPVDELAKTLDELISKGEYK
(restricted) Ga0247833_111521933300027730FreshwaterMIDFVKQLELENYLADEPIDPLAKMLDELIKKGEYK
Ga0209972_1031673323300027793Freshwater LakeMRDFVKNQELENYWSDSEIDPLAKKLDEIIKKGVYSK
Ga0209229_1014673743300027805Freshwater And SedimentMKDFVEKLELENYLADEPIDPLAKMLDEIIKKGSYTK
Ga0209229_1040668423300027805Freshwater And SedimentMIDFVKQLELNNYLDENQDPLAKMLDELISKGEYK
Ga0209990_1029961133300027816Freshwater LakeMKDFVKNQELENYWSDSEIDPLAKKLDEIIKKGVYSK
Ga0247723_103147563300028025Deep Subsurface SedimentMGYVKSLELEYYLADEPVDELAKSLDELISKGEYK
Ga0247723_104877913300028025Deep Subsurface SedimentMGYVKSLELEYYLLDEPVDELAKSLDELILKGEYK


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