A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F032136

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F032136

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Basic Information
Family ID F032136
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 180
Average Sequence Length 44 residues
Number of Associated Samples 83
Number of Associated Scaffolds 180

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Unclassified
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 92.70 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 97.22 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 98.33 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 83
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.46

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Unclassified (69.444 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID N/A
Taxonomy N/A

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Host-Associated → Plants → Phyllosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Phyllosphere
(73.333 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(91.111 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Host-associated → Plant → Plant surface
(87.222 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 54.29%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 45.71%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.46
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 180 Family Scaffolds
PF04195Transposase_28 1.11
PF02992Transposase_21 1.11
PF10551MULE 0.56
PF14223Retrotran_gag_2 0.56
PF00665rve 0.56
PF13456RVT_3 0.56
PF00078RVT_1 0.56

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 180 Family Scaffolds
COG2801Transposase InsO and inactivated derivativesMobilome: prophages, transposons [X] 0.56
COG2826Transposase and inactivated derivatives, IS30 familyMobilome: prophages, transposons [X] 0.56
COG3316Transposase (or an inactivated derivative), DDE domainMobilome: prophages, transposons [X] 0.56
COG4584TransposaseMobilome: prophages, transposons [X] 0.56



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
UnclassifiedrootN/A69.44 %
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms30.56 %

Powered by ApexCharts

Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
3300005331|Ga0070670_102172093Not Available512Open in IMG/M
3300009011|Ga0105251_10588974Not Available527Open in IMG/M
3300009092|Ga0105250_10450200All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum578Open in IMG/M
3300009975|Ga0105129_121879All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum502Open in IMG/M
3300009980|Ga0105135_112307All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum676Open in IMG/M
3300009980|Ga0105135_127894Not Available523Open in IMG/M
3300009980|Ga0105135_129573Not Available512Open in IMG/M
3300009981|Ga0105133_118912Not Available596Open in IMG/M
3300009989|Ga0105131_119250Not Available662Open in IMG/M
3300009989|Ga0105131_121877Not Available638Open in IMG/M
3300009989|Ga0105131_142184Not Available511Open in IMG/M
3300009992|Ga0105120_1023678Not Available692Open in IMG/M
3300009994|Ga0105126_1051185All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum524Open in IMG/M
3300009995|Ga0105139_1042255Not Available778Open in IMG/M
3300009995|Ga0105139_1068007Not Available657Open in IMG/M
3300009995|Ga0105139_1082955Not Available606Open in IMG/M
3300009995|Ga0105139_1104103Not Available547Open in IMG/M
3300010371|Ga0134125_12034924Not Available624Open in IMG/M
3300010371|Ga0134125_12313616All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum584Open in IMG/M
3300010371|Ga0134125_12630920All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum547Open in IMG/M
3300010397|Ga0134124_11288469All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum753Open in IMG/M
3300010397|Ga0134124_11349516Not Available737Open in IMG/M
3300010403|Ga0134123_11479996Not Available722Open in IMG/M
3300012949|Ga0153798_10266891Not Available567Open in IMG/M
3300012949|Ga0153798_10274083Not Available554Open in IMG/M
3300014968|Ga0157379_12488315Not Available517Open in IMG/M
3300015270|Ga0182183_1084448Not Available523Open in IMG/M
3300015273|Ga0182102_1042601All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum518Open in IMG/M
3300015278|Ga0182099_1018090Not Available740Open in IMG/M
3300015280|Ga0182100_1068289Not Available575Open in IMG/M
3300015284|Ga0182101_1022270Not Available818Open in IMG/M
3300015293|Ga0182103_1037363All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum698Open in IMG/M
3300015297|Ga0182104_1065597Not Available626Open in IMG/M
3300015297|Ga0182104_1089886Not Available561Open in IMG/M
3300015301|Ga0182184_1025038Not Available800Open in IMG/M
3300015301|Ga0182184_1088242All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum527Open in IMG/M
3300015301|Ga0182184_1102268Not Available500Open in IMG/M
3300015310|Ga0182162_1063540All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum655Open in IMG/M
3300015310|Ga0182162_1068707Not Available637Open in IMG/M
3300015311|Ga0182182_1034055All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae781Open in IMG/M
3300015311|Ga0182182_1084847All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum575Open in IMG/M
3300015312|Ga0182168_1032992All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae842Open in IMG/M
3300015312|Ga0182168_1111399Not Available546Open in IMG/M
3300015313|Ga0182164_1047134Not Available747Open in IMG/M
3300015313|Ga0182164_1074701Not Available636Open in IMG/M
3300015313|Ga0182164_1101369All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum567Open in IMG/M
3300015313|Ga0182164_1120623Not Available530Open in IMG/M
3300015315|Ga0182120_1026031Not Available916Open in IMG/M
3300015315|Ga0182120_1065406Not Available672Open in IMG/M
3300015315|Ga0182120_1098808Not Available576Open in IMG/M
3300015315|Ga0182120_1139945Not Available501Open in IMG/M
3300015316|Ga0182121_1128189All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum531Open in IMG/M
3300015317|Ga0182136_1072892Not Available647Open in IMG/M
3300015319|Ga0182130_1023546All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum914Open in IMG/M
3300015319|Ga0182130_1064751All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum662Open in IMG/M
3300015319|Ga0182130_1090529Not Available589Open in IMG/M
3300015320|Ga0182165_1031485All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum886Open in IMG/M
3300015320|Ga0182165_1044660Not Available787Open in IMG/M
3300015320|Ga0182165_1049295Not Available761Open in IMG/M
3300015320|Ga0182165_1117712Not Available551Open in IMG/M
3300015320|Ga0182165_1125024Not Available538Open in IMG/M
3300015327|Ga0182114_1002991All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Andropogonodae → Andropogoneae → Sorghinae → Sorghum → Sorghum bicolor1813Open in IMG/M
3300015327|Ga0182114_1038744Not Available870Open in IMG/M
3300015327|Ga0182114_1052345Not Available784Open in IMG/M
3300015327|Ga0182114_1057713All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae756Open in IMG/M
3300015327|Ga0182114_1074425All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum689Open in IMG/M
3300015327|Ga0182114_1129151Not Available554Open in IMG/M
3300015328|Ga0182153_1036995Not Available843Open in IMG/M
3300015328|Ga0182153_1071628Not Available672Open in IMG/M
3300015328|Ga0182153_1141252Not Available519Open in IMG/M
3300015329|Ga0182135_1154264Not Available503Open in IMG/M
3300015331|Ga0182131_1147809Not Available514Open in IMG/M
3300015332|Ga0182117_1039459All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum896Open in IMG/M
3300015332|Ga0182117_1131379All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae563Open in IMG/M
3300015333|Ga0182147_1073343All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae705Open in IMG/M
3300015333|Ga0182147_1124488Not Available573Open in IMG/M
3300015334|Ga0182132_1003894All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum1729Open in IMG/M
3300015334|Ga0182132_1153211Not Available525Open in IMG/M
3300015335|Ga0182116_1013241All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum1299Open in IMG/M
3300015335|Ga0182116_1116385All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → BOP clade → Oryzoideae → Oryzeae → Oryzinae → Oryza608Open in IMG/M
3300015336|Ga0182150_1091487All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum639Open in IMG/M
3300015336|Ga0182150_1140388All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum540Open in IMG/M
3300015337|Ga0182151_1088636All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum647Open in IMG/M
3300015337|Ga0182151_1130688All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum556Open in IMG/M
3300015337|Ga0182151_1149957Not Available525Open in IMG/M
3300015338|Ga0182137_1054435All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum818Open in IMG/M
3300015338|Ga0182137_1172046Not Available511Open in IMG/M
3300015339|Ga0182149_1069794Not Available727Open in IMG/M
3300015339|Ga0182149_1106746Not Available617Open in IMG/M
3300015339|Ga0182149_1121232Not Available586Open in IMG/M
3300015339|Ga0182149_1127686All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum573Open in IMG/M
3300015340|Ga0182133_1105593Not Available650Open in IMG/M
3300015348|Ga0182115_1013790Not Available1896Open in IMG/M
3300015348|Ga0182115_1124487All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum819Open in IMG/M
3300015348|Ga0182115_1182669Not Available672Open in IMG/M
3300015348|Ga0182115_1243829Not Available572Open in IMG/M
3300015348|Ga0182115_1280092Not Available528Open in IMG/M
3300015348|Ga0182115_1291684Not Available515Open in IMG/M
3300015349|Ga0182185_1001227Not Available3227Open in IMG/M
3300015349|Ga0182185_1027136Not Available1365Open in IMG/M
3300015349|Ga0182185_1170477Not Available653Open in IMG/M
3300015349|Ga0182185_1193083Not Available615Open in IMG/M
3300015349|Ga0182185_1280648Not Available509Open in IMG/M
3300015350|Ga0182163_1148956All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum727Open in IMG/M
3300015350|Ga0182163_1196428Not Available632Open in IMG/M
3300015350|Ga0182163_1213086Not Available605Open in IMG/M
3300015350|Ga0182163_1253143Not Available552Open in IMG/M
3300015352|Ga0182169_1106753All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum899Open in IMG/M
3300015352|Ga0182169_1217618Not Available623Open in IMG/M
3300015352|Ga0182169_1238633Not Available592Open in IMG/M
3300015352|Ga0182169_1248958Not Available578Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1091239Not Available900Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1116972Not Available810Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1186362All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum657Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1187043Not Available656Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1192082Not Available648Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1226855Not Available599Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1275717All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae545Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1280076Not Available540Open in IMG/M
3300015353|Ga0182179_1320493Not Available506Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1190276Not Available752Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1197650Not Available736Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1205095Not Available720Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1207620All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum715Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1229501All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum674Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1236071All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum662Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1261291Not Available622Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1271350Not Available608Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1272462All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum606Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1284199Not Available590Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1300418Not Available570Open in IMG/M
3300015354|Ga0182167_1328847Not Available538Open in IMG/M
3300017408|Ga0182197_1073486Not Available662Open in IMG/M
3300017408|Ga0182197_1123551Not Available544Open in IMG/M
3300017408|Ga0182197_1125469Not Available541Open in IMG/M
3300017412|Ga0182199_1115176Not Available631Open in IMG/M
3300017412|Ga0182199_1186202All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae522Open in IMG/M
3300017412|Ga0182199_1190228Not Available518Open in IMG/M
3300017414|Ga0182195_1208063Not Available516Open in IMG/M
3300017414|Ga0182195_1222626Not Available501Open in IMG/M
3300017421|Ga0182213_1236880Not Available523Open in IMG/M
3300017432|Ga0182196_1032897Not Available852Open in IMG/M
3300017435|Ga0182194_1070314Not Available674Open in IMG/M
3300017439|Ga0182200_1077628All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum655Open in IMG/M
3300017440|Ga0182214_1087372Not Available655Open in IMG/M
3300017447|Ga0182215_1091466Not Available673Open in IMG/M
3300017693|Ga0182216_1017755Not Available1278Open in IMG/M
3300017693|Ga0182216_1067542All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum804Open in IMG/M
3300017693|Ga0182216_1124414Not Available637Open in IMG/M
3300017693|Ga0182216_1155703Not Available583Open in IMG/M
3300017693|Ga0182216_1215010Not Available511Open in IMG/M
3300025923|Ga0207681_11821404Not Available508Open in IMG/M
3300025972|Ga0207668_10704681All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum888Open in IMG/M
3300025986|Ga0207658_12099383Not Available514Open in IMG/M
3300026075|Ga0207708_10216816Not Available1532Open in IMG/M
3300026088|Ga0207641_12301564Not Available538Open in IMG/M
3300028050|Ga0268328_1015386Not Available849Open in IMG/M
3300028050|Ga0268328_1072873All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum500Open in IMG/M
3300028053|Ga0268346_1036399Not Available538Open in IMG/M
3300028056|Ga0268330_1057295Not Available520Open in IMG/M
3300028058|Ga0268332_1021740All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum miliaceum790Open in IMG/M
3300028058|Ga0268332_1071222Not Available523Open in IMG/M
3300028058|Ga0268332_1078172Not Available505Open in IMG/M
3300028061|Ga0268314_1021816All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum694Open in IMG/M
3300028061|Ga0268314_1028348Not Available635Open in IMG/M
3300028064|Ga0268340_1085152Not Available506Open in IMG/M
3300028151|Ga0268308_1024342All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum561Open in IMG/M
3300028248|Ga0268312_1029866Not Available546Open in IMG/M
3300028262|Ga0268310_1051011Not Available507Open in IMG/M
3300028381|Ga0268264_11656487Not Available650Open in IMG/M
3300028470|Ga0268307_1010455All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum657Open in IMG/M
3300028470|Ga0268307_1014093Not Available601Open in IMG/M
3300028472|Ga0268315_1013684All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum628Open in IMG/M
3300032465|Ga0214493_1021835All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida1395Open in IMG/M
3300032689|Ga0214497_1108879Not Available596Open in IMG/M
3300032761|Ga0314733_1104591All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Viridiplantae → Streptophyta → Streptophytina → Embryophyta → Tracheophyta → Euphyllophyta → Spermatophyta → Magnoliopsida → Mesangiospermae → Liliopsida → Petrosaviidae → commelinids → Poales → Poaceae → PACMAD clade → Panicoideae → Panicodae → Paniceae → Panicinae → Panicum → Panicum sect. Hiantes → Panicum virgatum528Open in IMG/M
3300033530|Ga0314760_1114940Not Available663Open in IMG/M
3300033539|Ga0314762_1101218Not Available533Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
Switchgrass PhyllosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Phyllosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Phyllosphere73.33%
PhyllosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Phyllosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Phyllosphere8.89%
Switchgrass AssociatedHost-Associated → Plants → Unclassified → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Associated7.78%
Terrestrial SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Terrestrial Soil3.33%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere2.22%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.11%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.11%
Switchgrass DegradingEngineered → Bioreactor → Unclassified → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Degrading1.11%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.56%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.56%

Powered by ApexCharts

Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
3300005331Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-3 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009011Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009092Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S5-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009975Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_187 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009980Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_219 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009981Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_208 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009989Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_197 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009992Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_108 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009994Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_171 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009995Switchgrass associated microbial communities from Austin, Texas, USA, to study host-microbe interactions - LS_227 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300010371Terrestrial soil microbial communities with excess Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-175-1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010397Terrestrial soil microbial communities without Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-0-4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010403Terrestrial soil microbial communities without Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-0-3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012949Switchgrass enrichment cultures co-assemblyEngineeredOpen in IMG/M
3300014968Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S2-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015270Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_22AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015273Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_NF_09MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015278Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_09MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015280Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_MAIN_09MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015284Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_09MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015293Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_09MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015297Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_09MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015301Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_22AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015310Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_MAIN_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015311Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_NF_22AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015312Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015313Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_MAIN_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015315Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_31MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015316Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_NF_31MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015317Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015319Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_MAIN_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015320Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015327Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_MAIN_31MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015328Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_NF_12JUL2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015329Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015331Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015332Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_31MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015333Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_12JUL2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015334Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_MAIN_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015335Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_MAIN_31MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015336Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_NF_12JUL2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015337Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_12JUL2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015338Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_NF_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015339Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_12JUL2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015340Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_20JUN2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015348Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_31MAY2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015349Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_NF_22AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015350Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015352Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_NF_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015353Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_22AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015354Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_01AUG2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017408Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_12SEP2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017412Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_12SEP2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017414Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_MAIN_12SEP2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017421Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_MAIN_03OCT2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017432Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_MAIN_12SEP2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017435Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_MAIN_12SEP2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017439Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_12SEP2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017440Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R1_NF_03OCT2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017447Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_03OCT2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017693Switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_NF_03OCT2016_LD1 MGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025923Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S5-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025972Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S4-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025986Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S3-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026075Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K5-10-1 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026088Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S6-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028050Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R1_NF_17JUL2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028053Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R3_NF_28AUG2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028056Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R3_NF_17JUL2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028058Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R1_MAIN_07AUG2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028061Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R3_NF_05JUN2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028064Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R1_MAIN_28AUG2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028151Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R1_MAIN_05JUN2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028248Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R1_NF_05JUN2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028262Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R3_MAIN_05JUN2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028381Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S3-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028470Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R4_NF_15MAY2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300028472Phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R4_NF_05JUN2017_LD1Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300032465Metatranscriptome of phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R4_MAIN_12JUL2016_LR1 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300032689Metatranscriptome of phyllosphere microbial comminities from switchgrass, GLBRC, Michigan, United States - G5R4_NF_12JUL2016_LR2 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300032761Metatranscriptome of switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R3_MAIN_26JUN2017_LR1 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300033530Metatranscriptome of switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R2_NF_28AUG2017_LR1 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300033539Metatranscriptome of switchgrass phyllosphere microbial communities from Michigan, USA - G5R4_NF_28AUG2017_LR1 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
Zoom:     Powered by OpenStreetMap


Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
Ga0070670_10217209313300005331Switchgrass RhizosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTL
Ga0105251_1058897413300009011Switchgrass RhizosphereMYLISLVTTRIGVELAVVRRKLPDRVVVGLQLCSVRT
Ga0105129_12187923300009975Switchgrass AssociatedMYLTSLVTTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDRDVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0105135_12789413300009980Switchgrass AssociatedMYHSSLVTTRIGIELAAVQRRLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTL
Ga0105135_12957323300009980Switchgrass AssociatedMYLTSLVTTWIGVELAAVQRKLPDRAVVGLQRYSVW
Ga0105126_105118523300009994Switchgrass AssociatedMYLISFVTIRIGVELVAVQRKLPDRAIVGFQLYSAKTFHVN
Ga0134125_1263092023300010371Terrestrial SoilMYLTSFVTTRIGVELDAVQRKLPDCIVVGLQLNSARTFH
Ga0134124_1128846923300010397Terrestrial SoilMYLTSFVTIRIGIDLATVQRKLPDYIVVGFQLYWT
Ga0182183_108444823300015270Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTFLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVVLQLYSARTFHLTLS
Ga0182102_104260123300015273Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTFVVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVIVGLQLYSARNFHVTL
Ga0182100_106828913300015280Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTPFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDHVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTL
Ga0182101_102227023300015284Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTFLVTTRISVELAAIQRKLPDCAVVGHQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182103_103736313300015293Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELSAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTLT
Ga0182104_108988613300015297Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTYFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLLDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVNLS
Ga0182184_102503813300015301Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFLTTRIGIELVAVQRKLPNCVVVGLQLYSART
Ga0182184_108824213300015301Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGIELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLCSARTFYVTLFP
Ga0182182_108484713300015311Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVNTRIGIELAAVQRKLPDCVVVEFQLYSAKTFH
Ga0182168_103299213300015312Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTIRIDIELAAGQRKLPDYVVVGLQLYSARTFH
Ga0182168_111139923300015312Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSSITTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDYIVVGLQLYSTRTFHVTLSLRI
Ga0182164_104713413300015313Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAEVQMKLSDCIVVGFQLYLARTFHVTLSPRI
Ga0182164_107470113300015313Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVNTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDYVVVEFQLYSARTLHVTL
Ga0182164_110136913300015313Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIDVELVVVQRKLPDCIVVGIQLYSARTF
Ga0182164_112062313300015313Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRELPNSVVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0182120_102603113300015315Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGIELAAVQKKLPNLVAVGLQLYSARTFH
Ga0182120_106540613300015315Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLISFVTIRIGVELAVVQRKLADCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTLTSQTI*
Ga0182120_109880813300015315Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIDVELATIQRKLPNCVVVGFQLYLA
Ga0182120_113994523300015315Switchgrass PhyllosphereMNLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVIGLQLYWAWTF
Ga0182136_107289213300015317Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFAITRTGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSVRTFHVTLSP
Ga0182130_102354613300015319Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELATAQRKLPDRVVVGFQLYSARTFHVTMSP
Ga0182130_109052913300015319Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTFLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDLVVAGFQLYSARTFHVILS
Ga0182165_103148523300015320Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTLIGVVLAVVQRKLPDCIVVGLQLCSARTF
Ga0182165_104466013300015320Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSSVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVIIGFQLYSSRTFHVT
Ga0182165_104929513300015320Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCFVVGLQLYPARIF
Ga0182165_111771223300015320Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSPVTTQIGVEIVAVQRKLPDLVVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0182165_112502413300015320Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTTFVTTRLGVELAAIQMELPDCVVVGLQLYSARTF
Ga0182114_100299133300015327Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSAWTF
Ga0182114_103874413300015327Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIDVELAAVQKKLLDLIVVGLQLYSARNF
Ga0182114_105234513300015327Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLISFVTTRLGVELVAVQRKLSDCVVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0182114_105771313300015327Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIDIELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSART
Ga0182153_103699513300015328Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLIFFVTIRIGIELAAVQMKLPDCVVVGLQLYWAR
Ga0182153_114125213300015328Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTPRIGVELAVVQRKIPDCIVVGLQLYSVRTFHVT
Ga0182135_115426413300015329Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTIRISVEQAVVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLCSASTFHVTLSP
Ga0182131_114780913300015331Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDLVVAGFQLYSARTFHVILS
Ga0182117_103945913300015332Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLIYLVTTRIDVGLAAVQKKLPNCIVVGLQLYLARTFLVTLSP
Ga0182117_113137913300015332Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLITTRIGVELTAVRRKLPDRIVVELQLYSARTFH
Ga0182117_115064513300015332Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSIVTIRIDVELAAIQSKLSDRAIVGLQLYLTRT
Ga0182147_107334313300015333Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGLELVAVQKKLPDRVVVGLRLYSARTFH
Ga0182147_112448813300015333Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVGLAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182132_115321123300015334Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYFTSFVTTRIGVGLAAVQRKLPDCVVVGFQLYSARTFH
Ga0182116_101324113300015335Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLASLVTTRIGVELAAIQRKLPDRDVVGLKLYSARTFH
Ga0182116_111638523300015335Switchgrass PhyllosphereLYLTFVVTTRIGVELAVSQGKLPDLVGVGLQQCSLGLSM*
Ga0182150_114038823300015336Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTQIGVELVAVQGKLPDHVVVRLQLYWARTF
Ga0182151_113068823300015337Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIELTAVQMKLSDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHV
Ga0182151_114995713300015337Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELATVQTKLPDCVVVGFQLYSASTF
Ga0182137_105443523300015338Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTCLVTTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDRVVVGLQLYSA
Ga0182137_117204613300015338Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVNTQIGVELAVVQKRLPDRVVVGLQLYWVR
Ga0182149_106979413300015339Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTCFATIRIGVELASVQENYPTMLVGLQLYWARTFHVTLSLRNI
Ga0182149_112123223300015339Switchgrass PhyllosphereKLPDRVIVGLQLYSARTFHVTQSPRIYKGGQGSPSKNINT*
Ga0182149_112768613300015339Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVGLAAVQRKLPDCVVVGFQLYSA
Ga0182115_101379023300015348Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIELAAVQRKLPDYVVVGLQLYSARTFRVTLS
Ga0182115_112448723300015348Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAPVQRKLPDCVVIGLQPYSARTFHVTLSPR
Ga0182115_118266923300015348Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTARIGIELAAVQRKLPDRAVVGLQLYSA
Ga0182115_128009213300015348Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYFTSFITTRIGIKLAAVQGKLPECVVEGLQLYSARTFH
Ga0182115_129168413300015348Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTQIGVELAVVQRKLPDCVVVGFQLYSAR
Ga0182185_100122763300015349Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTFFVNTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDYVVVEFQLYSAR
Ga0182185_102713623300015349Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVEVGLQLYSARSFYVTL
Ga0182185_117047713300015349Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIELAAVQRKLPDRVVVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182185_119308313300015349Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCIVVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182185_128064823300015349Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTQIGVELAAVQRNLPDRVVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0182163_114895613300015350Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTIRIGIELTAVLRKLPDYVVVGFQLYSARTFH
Ga0182163_119642813300015350Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLTDCVVIGLQPYSARTFHVTLSPR
Ga0182163_121308613300015350Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIELATVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARIFH
Ga0182163_125314313300015350Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLISLITTRIGLELAAVQRKLPDRVVVGLQLYSART
Ga0182169_121761813300015352Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLNSFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0182169_124895823300015352Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVPTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDYVVVGLQLYSARTFHV
Ga0182179_111697223300015353Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIKLAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHV
Ga0182179_118704313300015353Switchgrass PhyllosphereMESPTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDCTVVGLQLYSARTFHVTLSPR
Ga0182179_119208213300015353Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTQIGLELAAVQKKLLDCVVVGLQLYSARTIHVT
Ga0182179_122685513300015353Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELAAIQRKLPDCVIVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182179_128007613300015353Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTPLVTTQIGVELAAVQRKLPGLVVVGLQLYSARSFHVTQSPRI
Ga0182179_132049313300015353Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDRVVVGLQLYLA
Ga0182167_119765013300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTYLVTTRLGVELAAVQRKLPDYIVVGLQLYLARIFRVTLSP
Ga0182167_120509513300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELAVVHRKLSDSVIVGLQLYSARTFHVTLSL
Ga0182167_120762023300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDRVVVGLQLYSARTF
Ga0182167_123607123300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAVVQRKLPNYVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTLSL
Ga0182167_126129113300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLISLIIIRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSA
Ga0182167_127135013300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVKLAVVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSA
Ga0182167_128419923300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGIELAVVQRKLPNCVVVGLQLYSAKTFH
Ga0182167_130041813300015354Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIDIELAAVRMKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFNV
Ga0182197_112546913300017408Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPYCVVVGLQLYSARI
Ga0182199_111517613300017412Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVNTQIGVELAAVQRKLPDYVVVEFQLYSARTLHVTLFPRI
Ga0182199_119022813300017412Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTIRIDTELAVVQRKLLNSVVVGLQLYSARTFHVTLPP
Ga0182195_120806313300017414Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELTVVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSART
Ga0182195_122262613300017414Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFLTTRIGIELVAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182213_123688013300017421Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTFLATTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCIVVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182196_103289713300017432Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTIRIGVELAAVQRKLLDCVVVGLQLYTAR
Ga0182200_107762813300017439Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELAAVQGKLPDCVIVRLQLYSARS
Ga0182214_108737213300017440Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLIYFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTFHVNLSPR
Ga0182215_109146613300017447Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAEVQMKLSDCVVVGFQLYLARTFHVTL
Ga0182216_101775523300017693Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVRLAAVQRKLSDCVVGGLQLYSARTFHVTLS
Ga0182216_112441413300017693Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLISLVTTRIGIELAAVQRKLPDCIVVGLQLYSARTFHVT
Ga0182216_115570313300017693Switchgrass PhyllosphereFVTTQIGVELAAVQEKLPDWVAVGLQLYSVRIHVTLSPKVYKGG
Ga0182216_121501013300017693Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIEVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSARTF
Ga0207681_1182140413300025923Switchgrass RhizosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGFQLYSARSFHVTL
Ga0207668_1070468113300025972Switchgrass RhizosphereMYLTSLVTTQIGVELAVVQRKLPVCVVVGLQLCSAR
Ga0207708_1021681613300026075Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMYLISFVTSRIGIELAAVQRKLPDCVVVGLQLYSAR
Ga0268264_1165648713300028381Switchgrass RhizosphereMYLTSFVTTRIGVELAAVQRKLPDRVVVGLQLYSART
Ga0214493_102183533300032465Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELSTVQRKLPDRIVVGLQLYSARTFHV
Ga0214497_110887923300032689Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVELAVVQRKLPDLVVVGLQLYSASTFHVILS
Ga0314733_110459113300032761Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSFVTIRIGIELATVQRKLPDCVIVGFQLYSAKTFHVTLPPR
Ga0314762_110121813300033539Switchgrass PhyllosphereMYLTSLVTTRIGVKLAAVQRKLPDCVVVGFQLYSTRTFNVTS


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