Basic Information | |
Family ID | F032078 |
Family Type | Metagenome |
Number of Sequences | 181 |
Average Sequence Length | 37 residues |
Number of Associated Samples | 110 |
Number of Associated Scaffolds | 181 |
Quality Assessment | |
Transcriptomic Evidence | No |
Most common taxonomic group | Unclassified |
% of genes with valid RBS motifs | 0.00 % |
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) | 19.89 % |
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) | 65.75 % |
Associated GOLD sequencing projects | 96 |
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction | Yes |
3D model pTM-score | 0.61 |
Hidden Markov Model |
Powered by Skylign |
Most Common Taxonomy | |
Group | Unclassified (85.635 % of family members) |
NCBI Taxonomy ID | N/A |
Taxonomy | N/A |
Most Common Ecosystem | |
GOLD Ecosystem | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Unclassified → Marine (29.834 % of family members) |
Environment Ontology (ENVO) | Unclassified (91.713 % of family members) |
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) | Free-living → Saline → Water (saline) (97.790 % of family members) |
⦗Top⦘ |
⦗Top⦘ |
Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure | |||||
Classification: | Globular | Signal Peptide: | No | Secondary Structure distribution: | α-helix: 15.38% β-sheet: 23.08% Coil/Unstructured: 61.54% | Feature Viewer |
Powered by Feature Viewer |
Structure Viewer | |
| |
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT): 0-50 51-70 71-90 91-100 | pTM-score: 0.61 |
Powered by PDBe Molstar |
⦗Top⦘ |
Pfam ID | Name | % Frequency in 181 Family Scaffolds |
PF11351 | GTA_holin_3TM | 11.05 |
PF13202 | EF-hand_5 | 3.87 |
PF00565 | SNase | 2.21 |
PF16778 | Phage_tail_APC | 1.66 |
PF03237 | Terminase_6N | 1.66 |
PF00182 | Glyco_hydro_19 | 1.66 |
PF13539 | Peptidase_M15_4 | 1.10 |
PF10651 | BppU_N | 1.10 |
PF13481 | AAA_25 | 0.55 |
PF01541 | GIY-YIG | 0.55 |
PF00166 | Cpn10 | 0.55 |
PF09374 | PG_binding_3 | 0.55 |
PF02195 | ParBc | 0.55 |
PF05838 | Glyco_hydro_108 | 0.55 |
PF11367 | DUF3168 | 0.55 |
PF03332 | PMM | 0.55 |
COG ID | Name | Functional Category | % Frequency in 181 Family Scaffolds |
COG3179 | Chitinase, GH19 family | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism [G] | 1.66 |
COG3979 | Chitodextrinase | Carbohydrate transport and metabolism [G] | 1.66 |
COG0234 | Co-chaperonin GroES (HSP10) | Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones [O] | 0.55 |
COG0561 | Hydroxymethylpyrimidine pyrophosphatase and other HAD family phosphatases | Coenzyme transport and metabolism [H] | 0.55 |
COG3926 | Lysozyme family protein | General function prediction only [R] | 0.55 |
⦗Top⦘ |
Name | Rank | Taxonomy | Distribution |
Unclassified | root | N/A | 85.64 % |
All Organisms | root | All Organisms | 14.36 % |
Visualization |
Powered by ApexCharts |
⦗Top⦘ |
Habitat | Taxonomy | Distribution |
Marine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Unclassified → Marine | 29.83% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Strait → Unclassified → Seawater | 24.31% |
Aqueous | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Aqueous | 12.71% |
Marine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Unclassified → Unclassified → Marine | 9.94% |
Marine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Neritic Zone → Unclassified → Marine | 4.42% |
Pelagic Marine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Pelagic → Unclassified → Pelagic Marine | 3.87% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Seawater | 3.31% |
Surface Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Photic Zone → Surface Seawater | 2.21% |
Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | 2.21% |
Salt Marsh | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Intertidal Zone → Salt Marsh → Salt Marsh | 1.66% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Intertidal Zone → Unclassified → Seawater | 1.10% |
Pelagic Marine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Neritic Zone → Unclassified → Pelagic Marine | 1.10% |
Marine Water | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Unclassified → Marine Water | 0.55% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Photic Zone → Seawater | 0.55% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Pelagic → Unclassified → Seawater | 0.55% |
Marine Harbor | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Harbor → Unclassified → Marine Harbor | 0.55% |
Deep Subsurface | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Volcanic → Unclassified → Deep Subsurface | 0.55% |
Beach Sand | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Sand → Unclassified → Beach Sand | 0.55% |
Visualization |
Powered by ApexCharts |
Taxon OID | Sample Name | Habitat Type | IMG/M Link |
3300000101 | Marine microbial communities from Delaware Coast, sample from Delaware MO Early Summer May 2010 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300000115 | Marine microbial communities from Delaware Coast, sample from Delaware MO Summer July 2011 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300000117 | Marine microbial communities from Delaware Coast, sample from Delaware MO Winter December 2010 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300001450 | Marine viral communities from the Pacific Ocean - LP-53 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300001460 | Marine viral communities from the Pacific Ocean - LP-28 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300001472 | Marine viral communities from the Pacific Ocean - LP-32 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005057 | Marine water microbial communities from the East Sea, Korea with extracellular vesicles - East-Sea-0.2um | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006029 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Spr_20_<0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006735 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 5B_ETSP_OMZ_AT15132_CsCl metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006737 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 5_ETSP_OMZ_AT15132 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006749 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 9_ETSP_OMZ_AT15188 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006752 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 13_ETSP_OMZ_AT15268 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006793 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 17_ETSP_OMZ_AT15314 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006802 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Nov_18 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006803 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Spr_20_>0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006810 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Sep_01 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006916 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Nov_24 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006919 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Mar_21 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006922 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 11_ETSP_OMZ_AT15265 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006924 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 14B_ETSP_OMZ_AT15311_CsCl metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006928 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 8_ETSP_OMZ_AT15162 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007276 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Mar_31 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007539 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1M Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007540 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1504_2 Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009071 | Pelagic marine microbial communities from North Sea - COGITO_mtgs_120405 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009433 | Pelagic marine microbial communities from North Sea - COGITO_mtgs_100330 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009435 | Pelagic marine microbial communities from North Sea - COGITO_mtgs_100413 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009481 | Deep subsurface microbial communities from Kolumbo volcano to uncover new lineages of life (NeLLi) - 2SBTROV12_ACTIVE470 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010148 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 9B_ETSP_OMZ_AT15188_CsCl metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010149 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 13B_ETSP_OMZ_AT15268_CsCl metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010153 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 20_ETSP_OMZ_AT15318 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010300 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_27_0.2_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012919 | Marine microbial communities from the Central Pacific Ocean - Fk160115 60m metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012920 | Marine microbial communities from the Costa Rica Dome - CRUD Field 142mm St8 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012936 | Marine microbial communities from the Costa Rica Dome - CRUD Field 142mm St13 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300013010 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Spr_31_0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300013134 | Beach sand microbial communities from Municipal Pensacola Beach, Florida - OS-S3 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017706 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - Lowphox_13 viral metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017708 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - Lowphox_04 viral metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017710 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 26 SPOT_SRF_2011-09-28 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017719 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 13 SPOT_SRF_2010-07-21 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017720 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 6 SPOT_SRF_2009-12-23 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017725 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 21 SPOT_SRF_2011-04-29 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017729 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 19 SPOT_SRF_2011-01-11 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017733 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 49 SPOT_SRF_2013-12-23 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017739 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 56 SPOT_SRF_2014-09-10 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017741 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 44 SPOT_SRF_2013-06-19 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017744 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 20 SPOT_SRF_2011-02-23 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017746 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 12 SPOT_SRF_2010-06-29 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017749 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 15 SPOT_SRF_2010-09-15 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017752 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 23 SPOT_SRF_2011-06-22 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017753 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 30 SPOT_SRF_2012-01-26 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017755 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 34 SPOT_SRF_2012-07-09 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017764 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 8 SPOT_SRF_2010-02-11 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017765 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 36 SPOT_SRF_2012-09-28 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017767 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 29 SPOT_SRF_2011-12-20 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017768 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 6 SPOT_SRF_2009-12-23 (version 2) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017771 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 48 SPOT_SRF_2013-11-13 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017773 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 9 SPOT_SRF_2010-03-24 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017779 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 18 SPOT_SRF_2010-12-16 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017782 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 3 SPOT_SRF_2009-08-19 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017786 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 47 SPOT_SRF_2013-09-18 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017951 | Coastal salt marsh microbial communities from the Groves Creek Marsh, Skidaway Island, Georgia - 101413BT metaG (megahit assembly) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017967 | Coastal salt marsh microbial communities from the Groves Creek Marsh, Skidaway Island, Georgia - 071411BT metaG (megahit assembly) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300018416 | Coastal salt marsh microbial communities from the Groves Creek Marsh, Skidaway Island, Georgia - 011502XT metaG (megahit assembly) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020282 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000963 (ERX556074-ERR599169) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020377 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000927 (ERX556007-ERR599065) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020388 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100001063 (ERX555965-ERR599064) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020397 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000123 (ERX556052-ERR599075) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020404 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000900 (ERX555954-ERR598978) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020408 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000925 (ERX555963-ERR599118) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020424 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000242 (ERX556056-ERR599138) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020437 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100000282 (ERX555906-ERR599074) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020439 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100001939 (ERX556062-ERR599029) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020442 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100002019 (ERX556121-ERR599162) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020463 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100001057 (ERX555988-ERR599050) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020469 | Marine microbial communities from Tara Oceans - TARA_B100001093 (ERX555967-ERR599052) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021335 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO540 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021347 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO266 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021356 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO245 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021364 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO304 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021373 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO282 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021389 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO127 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022061 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Nov_12 (v2) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022074 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 56 SPOT_SRF_2014-09-10 (v2) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022164 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Mar_31 (v2) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022169 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1504_2 Viral MetaG (v3) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025048 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - LP-49 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025070 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 11B_ETSP_OMZ_AT15265_CsCl metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025086 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 5_ETSP_OMZ_AT15132 metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025098 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 13_ETSP_OMZ_AT15268 metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025101 | Marine viral communities from the Subarctic Pacific Ocean - 9_ETSP_OMZ_AT15188 metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025120 | Marine viral communities from the Pacific Ocean - LP-28 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025132 | Marine viral communities from the Pacific Ocean - ETNP_2_60 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025151 | Marine viral communities from the Pacific Ocean - ETNP_6_30 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025508 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Spr_20_<0.8_DNA (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025632 | Pelagic marine microbial communities from North Sea - COGITO_mtgs_100413 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025674 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1M Viral MetaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025759 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Nov_24 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025803 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Fall_30_<0.8_DNA (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025816 | Pelagic marine microbial communities from North Sea - COGITO_mtgs_100330 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025887 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Spr_20_>0.8_DNA (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025890 | Pelagic Microbial community sample from North Sea - COGITO 998_met_08 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300028022 | Seawater viral communities from deep brine pools at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea - LS1 750m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029309 | Marine viral communities collected during Tara Oceans survey from station TARA_100 - TARA_R100001440 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029318 | Marine giant viral communities collected during Tara Oceans survey from station TARA_038 - TARA_Y100000289 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029345 | Marine harbor viral communities from the Indian Ocean - SCH1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029787 | Marine viral communities collected during Tara Oceans survey from station TARA_018 - TARA_A100000172 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031774 | Ammonia-oxidizing marine archaeal communities from Monterey Bay, California, United States - M1 60m 34915 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032073 | Ammonia-oxidizing marine archaeal communities from Monterey Bay, California, United States - M1 40m 3416 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
Geographical Distribution | |
Zoom: | Powered by OpenStreetMap |
⦗Top⦘ |
Protein ID | Sample Taxon ID | Habitat | Sequence |
DelMOSum2010_100156604 | 3300000101 | Marine | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK* |
DelMOSum2010_100160209 | 3300000101 | Marine | VILREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK* |
DelMOSum2010_101014663 | 3300000101 | Marine | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
DelMOSum2011_100276065 | 3300000115 | Marine | VILREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
DelMOSum2011_101009683 | 3300000115 | Marine | VTLREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
DelMOWin2010_10000003114 | 3300000117 | Marine | VILREFNGKYIIYDKKGKVVIITTEKRIAIAYARSLK* |
DelMOWin2010_101327912 | 3300000117 | Marine | VILREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
DelMOWin2010_101974272 | 3300000117 | Marine | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
JGI24006J15134_100071236 | 3300001450 | Marine | VTLREFGGKYIIYDKLGKVVIISREKRIAIAYARSLK* |
JGI24006J15134_100400922 | 3300001450 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSLK* |
JGI24006J15134_101352662 | 3300001450 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
JGI24003J15210_100179837 | 3300001460 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK* |
JGI24003J15210_100829322 | 3300001460 | Marine | VILRESRGKYILYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK* |
JGI24003J15210_100894573 | 3300001460 | Marine | VTLREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIXTREKRIAIAYARANK* |
JGI24003J15210_101368661 | 3300001460 | Marine | REFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
JGI24004J15324_100598474 | 3300001472 | Marine | VIVVERCGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK* |
JGI24004J15324_101612231 | 3300001472 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0068511_10460243 | 3300005057 | Marine Water | VILKEWGNKYIVYDKYGKVVIITREKKIAVHFARNQYGTDNR* |
Ga0075466_10154376 | 3300006029 | Aqueous | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
Ga0075466_11962192 | 3300006029 | Aqueous | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
Ga0098038_10001682 | 3300006735 | Marine | VILKEWRSKYIIYDENGKVVIITRDKRIAIAYARAKG* |
Ga0098038_10333663 | 3300006735 | Marine | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKDGKVVIITKDKKVAIAHARSMK* |
Ga0098038_10885323 | 3300006735 | Marine | VTLKEFGKKYIIYDKKGFVIIITRDKNIAIRYARSKR* |
Ga0098038_12147242 | 3300006735 | Marine | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKKGKIVIITRDKKIAIGYARSKK* |
Ga0098037_11189041 | 3300006737 | Marine | VILMERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRIAVGYARTLK |
Ga0098037_11262531 | 3300006737 | Marine | LKEWRNKYIVYDKDGKVVIITKDKKVAIAHARSMK* |
Ga0098037_11659863 | 3300006737 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAIAYARTVK* |
Ga0098042_10002025 | 3300006749 | Marine | VILKEFRNKYIVYDKNGKVVIITRDKKVAIAHARSLK* |
Ga0098042_10474864 | 3300006749 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSLK* |
Ga0098042_10861203 | 3300006749 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSLK* |
Ga0098042_11062162 | 3300006749 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARTLK* |
Ga0098042_11680282 | 3300006749 | Marine | VILVERRNKYIIYDKQGFVVIITRDKRVAIAYARSKK* |
Ga0098048_10456932 | 3300006752 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSFK* |
Ga0098055_11216931 | 3300006793 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITCDKRIAVGYARTLK* |
Ga0070749_100569374 | 3300006802 | Aqueous | VTLREVCGKYIIYDKTGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0075467_1000216719 | 3300006803 | Aqueous | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0075467_100947364 | 3300006803 | Aqueous | VILREFRGKYIIYDKFGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
Ga0070754_1000170121 | 3300006810 | Aqueous | VTLKEFRNKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
Ga0070754_102008332 | 3300006810 | Aqueous | VILREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK* |
Ga0070750_100321174 | 3300006916 | Aqueous | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKRVAVAHARALK* |
Ga0070746_101161785 | 3300006919 | Aqueous | LVERRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSLK* |
Ga0098045_10182996 | 3300006922 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSFK* |
Ga0098051_10792283 | 3300006924 | Marine | VTLKEFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR* |
Ga0098041_12004302 | 3300006928 | Marine | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK* |
Ga0098041_13052682 | 3300006928 | Marine | MYKN*TVILIERRGKYIVYDKQGKVVIITRDKNVAI |
Ga0070747_11280334 | 3300007276 | Aqueous | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITRDKRIAIAYAKA |
Ga0099849_10355255 | 3300007539 | Aqueous | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKDGKLVIITKDKRVAIKHARSMK* |
Ga0099849_11012784 | 3300007539 | Aqueous | VILVERRGKYIVYDKDGKVVIITKDKRVAITHARSLK* |
Ga0099847_11463843 | 3300007540 | Aqueous | VTLREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAK |
Ga0115566_104664841 | 3300009071 | Pelagic Marine | NRAVIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITRDKRIAIAYARASK* |
Ga0115566_108009532 | 3300009071 | Pelagic Marine | VTLKEFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0115545_100392910 | 3300009433 | Pelagic Marine | VIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITTERKIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0115546_11943863 | 3300009435 | Pelagic Marine | HKNRTVIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITTERKIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0114932_108417103 | 3300009481 | Deep Subsurface | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITREKRIAIAYARATK* |
Ga0098043_10252355 | 3300010148 | Marine | VILIERCGKYIIYDKQGKIVIITRDKKVAVAYARSKK* |
Ga0098043_10929883 | 3300010148 | Marine | VILIERRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITRDKRVAVAYARTLK* |
Ga0098049_10604522 | 3300010149 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITRDKRIAVGYARTLK* |
Ga0098059_13052702 | 3300010153 | Marine | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK* |
Ga0129351_10286493 | 3300010300 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKDGKVVIITKDKRVAIKHARSMK* |
Ga0129351_10416421 | 3300010300 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | VILKEWRRKYIVYDKSGKLVIITRDKRIAIKHARSKK* |
Ga0129351_12791773 | 3300010300 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | VILVERCGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKRVAIAHARALK* |
Ga0160422_100668036 | 3300012919 | Seawater | VILVEKRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITRDKRVAMAYARSKK* |
Ga0160423_101611395 | 3300012920 | Surface Seawater | VILKEWRNKFIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKNVAVKYARSLK* |
Ga0160423_102294315 | 3300012920 | Surface Seawater | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNGKIVIITRDKKVAIAFARSKK* |
Ga0160423_105241383 | 3300012920 | Surface Seawater | VILIERRGKYFVYDKKGKLVIMTRDKKVAIAHARSLLK* |
Ga0163109_1000053227 | 3300012936 | Surface Seawater | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKSGKVVIITREKKIAIKHARSLK* |
Ga0129327_100587866 | 3300013010 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | VTLREVCGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK* |
Ga0116697_10648712 | 3300013134 | Beach Sand | MVILVERRGKYIVYDKQGKVVIITRDKRVAIKHARSKK* |
Ga0181377_10662201 | 3300017706 | Marine | AVIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK |
Ga0181369_10030197 | 3300017708 | Marine | VTLREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKK |
Ga0181369_10553773 | 3300017708 | Marine | VVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK |
Ga0181403_10850322 | 3300017710 | Seawater | VTLKEWRGRYIIYDKQGKIVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181390_10125786 | 3300017719 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSK |
Ga0181383_100162111 | 3300017720 | Seawater | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKDGKVVIITKDKKVAIAHARSMK |
Ga0181398_11281393 | 3300017725 | Seawater | VIVVERRRKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0181396_10453563 | 3300017729 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITRDKTIAIAYARANR |
Ga0181426_10188715 | 3300017733 | Seawater | VVERCGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0181433_10115191 | 3300017739 | Seawater | RVVTFREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK |
Ga0181433_10213233 | 3300017739 | Seawater | VIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITQDKRIAIPYARANK |
Ga0181433_10394922 | 3300017739 | Seawater | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181421_10985922 | 3300017741 | Seawater | VTLKEFRGKYIVYDKNGIVVIITRDKKIAVGFARSKK |
Ga0181397_11339603 | 3300017744 | Seawater | LKEWRSKYIIYDENGKVVIITRDKRIAIAYARAKG |
Ga0181389_11701391 | 3300017746 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKFGKVVIITREKIIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0181392_10154826 | 3300017749 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0181400_11310753 | 3300017752 | Seawater | VKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITQDKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181407_10158632 | 3300017753 | Seawater | VILREFRGKYIIYDKFGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181411_11594643 | 3300017755 | Seawater | VTLKEWRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARASK |
Ga0181385_10933513 | 3300017764 | Seawater | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKKGFVVIITREKRIAIAYARATK |
Ga0181413_10190212 | 3300017765 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKFGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK |
Ga0181413_10793812 | 3300017765 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181413_10956982 | 3300017765 | Seawater | VILKGWRGKYIAYDKSGKVVIITRDKKIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181406_10365901 | 3300017767 | Seawater | TLREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKK |
Ga0181406_11012701 | 3300017767 | Seawater | NRTVIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKK |
Ga0181406_11644753 | 3300017767 | Seawater | IVVERCGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK |
Ga0187220_11962323 | 3300017768 | Seawater | SVTLKEWRGRYIIYDKQGKIVIITREKRIAIAYARASK |
Ga0187220_12226642 | 3300017768 | Seawater | VILRESRGKYILYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARALK |
Ga0181425_12515951 | 3300017771 | Seawater | IVGERQGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITRDKTIAIAYARANR |
Ga0181386_10269896 | 3300017773 | Seawater | VILREFRGKYIIYDKTGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0181386_11235581 | 3300017773 | Seawater | VILKEWRAKYIIYDKQGFVVIITREKRIAVAYARSTK |
Ga0181395_10324723 | 3300017779 | Seawater | VILKEWRSKYIIYDENGKVVIITRDKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0181395_11390061 | 3300017779 | Seawater | IVVERCGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0181380_10725664 | 3300017782 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKKIAIAYAKAKR |
Ga0181424_100078244 | 3300017786 | Seawater | VTLREFRNKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKK |
Ga0181577_100803013 | 3300017951 | Salt Marsh | VILTERRGKYIVYDKYGKLVIITKDKRVAITHARLKK |
Ga0181590_105248422 | 3300017967 | Salt Marsh | VILVERRGKYIVYDKNGKVVIITTDKRVAIAHARSKK |
Ga0181553_105565023 | 3300018416 | Salt Marsh | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKRVAVAHARALK |
Ga0211667_10053117 | 3300020282 | Marine | VIIKEWRRKYIVYDKNGKVVIITQDKKIAIAFARLQK |
Ga0211647_101926822 | 3300020377 | Marine | VKLIERGGKYIVYDKRGKIVIITRDKKVAISCARLKK |
Ga0211678_103566482 | 3300020388 | Marine | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0211583_100783723 | 3300020397 | Marine | VILKEFRNKYIIYDKKGKVVIITRDKKVAMAHARSLK |
Ga0211659_1000480410 | 3300020404 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKKVAIAYARSKK |
Ga0211651_101936041 | 3300020408 | Marine | ILKEWRNKYIIYDKNGKVVIISRDKRVAMAYARSKK |
Ga0211620_100262755 | 3300020424 | Marine | VILVERRGKYILYDKNGKVVIITRDKRIIMAYVRSKK |
Ga0211539_100104617 | 3300020437 | Marine | VILIERRGKYIVYDKQGKVVIITRDKKVAIKHARSKK |
Ga0211558_103045212 | 3300020439 | Marine | VILKEWRGKYIVYDKDGKVVIITRDKNVAIAHARSKK |
Ga0211559_100386415 | 3300020442 | Marine | VILIEKRGKYIVYDKNGKLVIITRDKRVAIAHARSLLK |
Ga0211676_101460222 | 3300020463 | Marine | VILKEWRGKFIIYDKNGKIVIITRDKKVAIAFARSKK |
Ga0211577_101011044 | 3300020469 | Marine | VIVVERCGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0211577_108547243 | 3300020469 | Marine | VIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITQDKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0213867_10444084 | 3300021335 | Seawater | VILREFNGKYIIYDKKGKVVIITTEKRIAIAYARSLK |
Ga0213862_100889221 | 3300021347 | Seawater | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKNGKVVIISRDKRVVMAYARS |
Ga0213858_100587116 | 3300021356 | Seawater | VILVERRGKYIVYDKNGKVVIITKDKRVAITHARSLK |
Ga0213859_102772902 | 3300021364 | Seawater | LILKEWRNKFIVYDKNEKVVIITRDKKVAIAHARSLK |
Ga0213865_101456483 | 3300021373 | Seawater | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0213868_104436982 | 3300021389 | Seawater | VILREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0212023_10177813 | 3300022061 | Aqueous | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0224906_100009151 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNGKIVIITRDKKIAIGYARSKT |
Ga0224906_10014208 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK |
Ga0224906_10049606 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0224906_10072551 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITQDKRIAIACARANK |
Ga0224906_101032811 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VILKEFRGKYIAYDKSGKVVIITRDKKIAIAYARANK |
Ga0224906_10127572 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0224906_10220186 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VILREFRGKYIIYDKTGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK |
Ga0224906_10431654 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSLK |
Ga0224906_10857754 | 3300022074 | Seawater | TVILVERRNKYIIYDKQGFVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0224906_11419533 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKK |
Ga0224906_11458552 | 3300022074 | Seawater | VILVERRNKYIIYDKKGFVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0224906_11526243 | 3300022074 | Seawater | NRTVILVERRNKYIIYDKKGFVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0212022_10033574 | 3300022164 | Aqueous | VILREFRGKYIIYDKFGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0212022_10163824 | 3300022164 | Aqueous | VILREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0196903_10354852 | 3300022169 | Aqueous | VILREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAVAYARSKK |
Ga0207905_10006606 | 3300025048 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0207905_10016066 | 3300025048 | Marine | VTLREFGGKYIIYDKLGKVVIISREKRIAIAYARSLK |
Ga0208667_100017412 | 3300025070 | Marine | VILKEWRSKYIIYDENGKVVIITRDKRIAIAYARAKG |
Ga0208157_10073835 | 3300025086 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRIAVGYARTLK |
Ga0208157_10137807 | 3300025086 | Marine | TVILVERRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKKVAIAHARSKK |
Ga0208157_10439574 | 3300025086 | Marine | VTLKEFGKKYIIYDKKGFVIIITRDKNIAIRYARSKR |
Ga0208157_10933371 | 3300025086 | Marine | VIVVERRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARSKK |
Ga0208157_11541603 | 3300025086 | Marine | VIIKEWRGKYIIYDKWGKVVIITREKRIAISYARYLK |
Ga0208434_10563382 | 3300025098 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNGRVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSFK |
Ga0208159_10019453 | 3300025101 | Marine | VILKEFRNKYIVYDKNGKVVIITRDKKVAIAHARSLK |
Ga0208159_10707662 | 3300025101 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARTLK |
Ga0209535_10025858 | 3300025120 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK |
Ga0209535_10157421 | 3300025120 | Marine | VILREFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK |
Ga0209535_11707312 | 3300025120 | Marine | VTLREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0209535_12037442 | 3300025120 | Marine | VTFREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKAKK |
Ga0209535_12065752 | 3300025120 | Marine | VILRESRGKYILYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYAKANK |
Ga0209232_10245433 | 3300025132 | Marine | VILKEWRAKYIIYDKQGFVVIITRDKRVAMAYARALK |
Ga0209645_100018836 | 3300025151 | Marine | VILKEFRNKYIVYDKNGKVVIITKDKKVAIAHARSLK |
Ga0209645_10396661 | 3300025151 | Marine | TVILKEWRNKYIVYDKNGKVVIISRDKRVVMAYARSKK |
Ga0208148_11279101 | 3300025508 | Aqueous | ILREFRGKYIIYDKFGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0209194_11077611 | 3300025632 | Pelagic Marine | LHKNRTVIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITTERKIAIAYARANK |
Ga0208162_10216163 | 3300025674 | Aqueous | VILKEWRNKYIVYDKDGKLVIITKDKRVAIKHARSMK |
Ga0208162_10232332 | 3300025674 | Aqueous | VILVERRGKYIVYDKDGKVVIITKDKRVAITHARSLK |
Ga0208899_10367673 | 3300025759 | Aqueous | VTLREVCGKYIIYDKTGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0208425_10074194 | 3300025803 | Aqueous | VTLKEFRNKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0209193_10387661 | 3300025816 | Pelagic Marine | VIVKEWRGKYIVYDKSGKVVIITTERKIAIAYARANK |
Ga0209193_11053122 | 3300025816 | Pelagic Marine | VILREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKK |
Ga0208544_100438482 | 3300025887 | Aqueous | VILKEFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0209631_102642273 | 3300025890 | Pelagic Marine | VTLKEFRGKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARANK |
Ga0209631_103986923 | 3300025890 | Pelagic Marine | VILREFRGKYIIYDKLGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0256382_11496034 | 3300028022 | Seawater | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITREKRIAIAYARATK |
Ga0183683_100055814 | 3300029309 | Marine | VTLREFGKKYIIYDKSGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARAKR |
Ga0183683_100064120 | 3300029309 | Marine | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNGKIVIITRDKKIAIGFARSKK |
Ga0183683_10091805 | 3300029309 | Marine | VILVERRGKYIIYDKNWKVVIITRDKRVAMAYARTLK |
Ga0185543_10097716 | 3300029318 | Marine | VILKEWRRKYIVYDKNGKVVIITRDKKVAVTHARSLK |
Ga0135210_10184552 | 3300029345 | Marine Harbor | VILTERRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITRDKRVAVAYARSLK |
Ga0183757_10543573 | 3300029787 | Marine | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNGKVVIITREKRIAIAYARATK |
Ga0315331_1000231921 | 3300031774 | Seawater | VILKEWRGKYIIYDKNGKIVIITRDKKIAIGYARSKK |
Ga0315315_1000294223 | 3300032073 | Seawater | DRAVILKEWRGKYIIYDKNGKIVIITRDKKIAIGYARSKK |
⦗Top⦘ |