Basic Information | |
Family ID | F018711 |
Family Type | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome |
Number of Sequences | 233 |
Average Sequence Length | 42 residues |
Number of Associated Samples | 140 |
Number of Associated Scaffolds | 233 |
Quality Assessment | |
Transcriptomic Evidence | Yes |
Most common taxonomic group | Unclassified |
% of genes with valid RBS motifs | 40.34 % |
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) | 12.02 % |
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) | 67.38 % |
Associated GOLD sequencing projects | 128 |
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction | Yes |
3D model pTM-score | 0.40 |
Hidden Markov Model |
Powered by Skylign |
Most Common Taxonomy | |
Group | Unclassified (84.979 % of family members) |
NCBI Taxonomy ID | N/A |
Taxonomy | N/A |
Most Common Ecosystem | |
GOLD Ecosystem | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Aqueous (15.021 % of family members) |
Environment Ontology (ENVO) | Unclassified (30.901 % of family members) |
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) | Free-living → Saline → Water (saline) (34.335 % of family members) |
⦗Top⦘ |
⦗Top⦘ |
Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure | |||||
Classification: | Globular | Signal Peptide: | No | Secondary Structure distribution: | α-helix: 0.00% β-sheet: 27.54% Coil/Unstructured: 72.46% | Feature Viewer |
Powered by Feature Viewer |
Structure Viewer | |
| |
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT): 0-50 51-70 71-90 91-100 | pTM-score: 0.40 |
Powered by PDBe Molstar |
⦗Top⦘ |
Pfam ID | Name | % Frequency in 233 Family Scaffolds |
PF03237 | Terminase_6N | 18.03 |
PF13264 | DUF4055 | 7.30 |
PF02768 | DNA_pol3_beta_3 | 2.15 |
PF04233 | Phage_Mu_F | 1.72 |
PF05866 | RusA | 1.29 |
PF13554 | DUF4128 | 1.29 |
PF01612 | DNA_pol_A_exo1 | 0.43 |
PF03330 | DPBB_1 | 0.43 |
PF09250 | Prim-Pol | 0.43 |
PF14250 | AbrB-like | 0.43 |
PF12684 | DUF3799 | 0.43 |
PF00692 | dUTPase | 0.43 |
PF11160 | Hva1_TUDOR | 0.43 |
COG ID | Name | Functional Category | % Frequency in 233 Family Scaffolds |
COG0592 | DNA polymerase III sliding clamp (beta) subunit, PCNA homolog | Replication, recombination and repair [L] | 2.15 |
COG4570 | Holliday junction resolvase RusA (prophage-encoded endonuclease) | Replication, recombination and repair [L] | 1.29 |
COG0717 | dCTP deaminase | Nucleotide transport and metabolism [F] | 0.43 |
COG0756 | dUTP pyrophosphatase (dUTPase) | Defense mechanisms [V] | 0.43 |
⦗Top⦘ |
Name | Rank | Taxonomy | Distribution |
Unclassified | root | N/A | 84.98 % |
All Organisms | root | All Organisms | 15.02 % |
Visualization |
Powered by ApexCharts |
Note: Some of these datasets are restricted, as per the data usage policy of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Utilizing any of their features below requires obtaining a license from the datasets' corresponding author(s).
⦗Top⦘ |
Habitat | Taxonomy | Distribution |
Aqueous | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Aqueous | 15.02% |
Freshwater | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater | 12.88% |
Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | 12.45% |
Freshwater | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Unclassified → Unclassified → Freshwater | 9.01% |
Freshwater Lake | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Unclassified → Freshwater Lake | 8.15% |
Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Sediment → Sediment | 5.15% |
Estuarine Water | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Unclassified → Unclassified → Estuarine Water | 3.43% |
Freshwater Lake | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater Lake | 3.00% |
Fracking Water | Environmental → Terrestrial → Deep Subsurface → Unclassified → Unclassified → Fracking Water | 3.00% |
Freshwater, Plankton | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater, Plankton | 2.58% |
Freshwater | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater | 2.58% |
Estuary | Host-Associated → Plants → Leaf → Unclassified → Unclassified → Estuary | 2.58% |
Freshwater Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Sediment → Unclassified → Freshwater Sediment | 2.15% |
Freshwater Lentic | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Unclassified → Freshwater Lentic | 1.72% |
Freshwater | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → River → Unclassified → Freshwater | 1.72% |
Freshwater And Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Hypolimnion → Freshwater And Sediment | 1.29% |
Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Sediment → Unclassified → Sediment | 0.86% |
Freshwater | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lentic → Epilimnion → Freshwater | 0.86% |
Lake | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Lake | 0.86% |
Freshwater | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lotic → Unclassified → Freshwater | 0.86% |
Aquatic | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Drinking Water → Unclassified → Aquatic | 0.86% |
Deep Subsurface | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Oceanic → Sediment → Deep Subsurface | 0.86% |
Estuarine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Unclassified → Unclassified → Estuarine | 0.86% |
Bioluminescent Bay | Environmental → Aquatic → Non-Marine Saline And Alkaline → Unclassified → Unclassified → Bioluminescent Bay | 0.86% |
Soil | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Clay → Unclassified → Soil | 0.86% |
Freshwater, Surface Ice | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Lake → Unclassified → Freshwater, Surface Ice | 0.43% |
Drinking Water Treatment Plant | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Drinking Water → Unclassified → Drinking Water Treatment Plant | 0.43% |
Surface Ice | Environmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Ice → Unclassified → Surface Ice | 0.43% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Coastal → Unclassified → Seawater | 0.43% |
Estuarine | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Intertidal Zone → Estuary → Estuarine | 0.43% |
Salt Marsh | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Intertidal Zone → Salt Marsh → Salt Marsh | 0.43% |
Marine Water | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Neritic Zone → Unclassified → Marine Water | 0.43% |
Seawater | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Strait → Unclassified → Seawater | 0.43% |
Pond Water | Environmental → Aquatic → Non-Marine Saline And Alkaline → Saline → Unclassified → Pond Water | 0.43% |
Marine Methane Seep Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Marine Methane Seep Sediment | 0.43% |
Mangrove Sediment | Environmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Mangrove Sediment | 0.43% |
Sand | Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Sand → Unclassified → Sand | 0.43% |
Hydrocarbon Resource Environments | Engineered → Wastewater → Industrial Wastewater → Petrochemical → Unclassified → Hydrocarbon Resource Environments | 0.43% |
Visualization |
Powered by ApexCharts |
Note: Some of these datasets are restricted, as per the data usage policy of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Utilizing any of their features below requires obtaining a license from the datasets' corresponding author(s).
Taxon OID | Sample Name | Habitat Type | IMG/M Link |
3300000401 | Marine microbial community from La Parguera, Puerto Rico - BB Mangrove B Liquid | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300000756 | Freshwater microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - CCB hypolimnion July 2011 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300002220 | Wastewater microbial communities from Syncrude, Ft. McMurray, Alberta - West In Pit SyncrudeMLSB2011 | Engineered | Open in IMG/M |
3300003277 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Sp13.BD.MM15.SD | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300004481 | Combined Assembly of Gp0112041, Gp0112042, Gp0112043 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300004829 | Marine water microbial communities from the Pohang Bay, Korea with extracellular vesicles - Pohang-EVs | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005528 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erie, under a cyanobacterial bloom - NOAA_Erie_Diel1S_2200h metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005581 | Freshwater lentic microbial communities from great Laurentian Lakes, MI, USA - Great Lakes metaG ER78MSRF | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005662 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Su13.BD.MLB.SD (version 4) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005805 | Microbial and algae communities from Cheney Reservoir in Wichita, Kansas, USA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300005940 | Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA, for microbe roles in carbon and contaminant biogeochemistry - GW-RW metaG T4_25-Nov-14 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006030 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_D_<0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006484 | Estuarine microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary, USA - metaG S.535 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006637 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Fall_15_>0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006802 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Nov_18 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006810 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Sep_01 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300006917 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_N_<0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007344 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Mar_4 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007345 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Aug_30 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007538 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_2 Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007539 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1M Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007541 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1S Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007542 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1504_1 Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300007960 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1D Viral MetaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300008055 | Metatranscriptomes of the Eelgrass leaves and roots. Combined Assembly of Gp0128390, Gp0128391, Gp0128392, and Gp0128393 | Host-Associated | Open in IMG/M |
3300008107 | Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE2, Sample E2014-0046-3-NA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300008111 | Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE4, Sample E2014-0050-C-NA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300008113 | Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE4, Sample E2014-0050-3-NA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300008261 | Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE12, sample HABS-E2014-0024-C-NA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300008266 | Freshwater microbial communities from Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie, Western Basin, USA - Station WLE12, Sample HABS-E2014-0108-C-NA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300008448 | Freshwater viral communities during cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CHABs) in Western Lake Erie, USA - August 4, 2014 all contigs | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009000 | Salt pond water microbial communities from South San Francisco under conditions of wetland restoration - Salt Pond MetaG SF2_B_H2O_MG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009075 | Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (1) Depth 1-3cm March2015 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009149 | Deep subsurface microbial communities from Baltic Sea to uncover new lineages of life (NeLLi) - Landsort_02402 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009165 | Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (6) Depth 1-3cm September2015 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009169 | Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (1) Depth 10-12cm May2015 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300009170 | Freshwater sediment microbial communities from Prairie Pothole Lake near Jamestown, North Dakota, USA - PPLs Lake P7 Core (1) Depth 1-3cm May2015 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010296 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_27_0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010297 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_20_0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010299 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_15_0.2_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010300 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_27_0.2_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010318 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_15_0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010354 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_0.6_0.8_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010368 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Spr_15_0.2_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010370 | Freshwater to marine salinity gradient microbial communities from Chesapeake Bay, USA - CPBay_Sum_0.6_0.2_DNA | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010389 | Marine sediment microbial communities from methane seeps within Baltimore Canyon, US Atlantic Margin - Baltimore Canyon MUC-11 12-14 cmbsf | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300010412 | Mangrove sediment microbial communities from Mai Po Nature Reserve Marshes in Hong Kong, China - Maipo_10 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300011268 | Sub-surface freshwater microbial communities from San Francisco Estuary Delta, California, USA . Combined Assembly of Gp0173482, Gp0175554, Gp0175555 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012012 | Freshwater microbial communities from Eastern Basin Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada - Station 879 - Top - Depth 1m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012013 | Freshwater microbial communities from Eastern Basin Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada - Station 67 - Surface Ice | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300012666 | Freshwater microbial communities from Central Basin Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada - Station 1208 - Surface Ice version 2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300013005 | Eutrophic lake water microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA - GEODES117 metaG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300013087 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Malawi, Central Region, Malawi to study Microbial Dark Matter (Phase II) - Malawi_45m_30L | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300013133 (restricted) | Sediment microbial communities from Lake Kivu, Rwanda - Sediment s1_kivu2a2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300013372 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada. Combined Assembly of 10 SPs | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017707 | Freshwater viral communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Fa13.ND.MLB.S.N | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017747 | Freshwater viral communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Fa13.VD.MLB.S.N | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017749 | Marine viral communities from the oligotrophic San Pedro Time Series (SPOT) site, San Pedro Channel, CA, USA ? 15 SPOT_SRF_2010-09-15 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017774 | Freshwater viral communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Fa13.VD.MM110.S.D | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300017788 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Kivu, Western Province, Rwanda to study Microbial Dark Matter (Phase II) - Kivu_15m_20L | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300018421 | Coastal salt marsh microbial communities from the Groves Creek Marsh, Skidaway Island, Georgia - 071412BT metaG (megahit assembly) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300019708 | Sediment microbial communities from the Broadkill River, Lewes, Delaware, United States ? BRC_2-3_MG | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020074 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania - TA2015017 Mahale Deep Cast 200m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020083 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania - TA2015033 Kigoma Deep Cast 300m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020159 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_108 megahit1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020160 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erken, Sweden - P4710_105 megahit1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020179 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania - TA2015056 Kigoma Offshore 0m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020183 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania - TA2015002 Mahale S4 surface | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020193 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania - TA2015053 Kigoma Offshore 120m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020196 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania - TA2015031 Kigoma Deep Cast 0m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300020498 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, WI - 13JUN2010 deep hole epilimnion (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021323 | Metatranscriptome of estuarine water microbial communities from the Columbia River estuary, Oregon, United States ? R9.63AS (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021425 | Coastal seawater microbial communities near Pivers Island, North Carolina, United States - PICO284 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021961 | Estuarine water microbial communities from San Francisco Bay, California, United States - C33_3D | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021962 | Estuarine water microbial communities from San Francisco Bay, California, United States - C33_649D | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300021963 | Estuarine water microbial communities from San Francisco Bay, California, United States - C33_657D | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022179 | Freshwater viral communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Fa13.VD.MLB.D.N | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022187 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Sep_01 (v3) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022198 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1S Viral MetaG (v3) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022200 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1504_1 Viral MetaG (v3) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022553 | Powell_combined assembly | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300022752 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Lanier, Atlanta, Georgia, United States - LL_1208_BB | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300024262 | Deep subsurface microbial communities from Baltic Sea to uncover new lineages of life (NeLLi) - Landsort_02402 metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300024289 | Freshwater microbial communities from Altamaha River, Georgia, United States - Atl_Miss_RepA_8h | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300024346 | Whole water sample coassembly | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300024495 | Freshwater microbial communities from Altamaha River, Georgia, United States - Atl_Cont_RepA_8d | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025283 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Malawi, Central Region, Malawi to study Microbial Dark Matter (Phase II) - Malawi_45m_30L (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025585 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_D_<0.8_DNA (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025630 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Fall_15_>0.8_DNA (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025674 | Freshwater to marine saline gradient viral communities from Chesapeake Bay - CB_1508_1M Viral MetaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025848 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - DEBay_Sum_0.19_N_<0.8_DNA (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300025889 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Nov_18 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027121 | Freshwater microbial communities from Columbia River, Oregon, United States - Colum_Yuk_RepC_8h | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027659 | Freshwater lentic microbial communities from great Laurentian Lakes, MI, USA - Great Lakes metaG ER78MSRF (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027732 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Sp13.BD.MM110.DD (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027772 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Sp13.BD.MM110.SD (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027785 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Sp13.BD.MM15.SN (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027797 | Freshwater microbial communities from dead zone in Lake Erie, Canada - CCB hypolimnion July 2011 (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027804 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Michigan, USA - Fa13.BD.MLB.SN (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027806 | Freshwater lake microbial communities from Lake Erie, under a cyanobacterial bloom - NOAA_Erie_Diel6S_1000h metaG (SPAdes) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300027977 (restricted) | Freshwater microbial communities from meromictic Lake La Cruz, Castile-La Mancha, Spain - LaCruzMarch2015_12m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300028569 (restricted) | Freshwater microbial communities from meromictic Lake La Cruz, Castile-La Mancha, Spain - LaCruzMarch2017_8m | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029930 | Aquatic microbial communities from drinking water treatment plant in Pearl River Delta area, China - influent_20120727 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029932 | Freshwater microbial communities from drinking water treatment plant - The University of Hong Kong - Raw_water_201207A | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300029933 | Aquatic microbial communities from drinking water treatment plant in Pearl River Delta area, China - influent_20120727_2 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031539 | Soil microbial communities from Risofladan, Vaasa, Finland - UN-3 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031566 | Soil microbial communities from Risofladan, Vaasa, Finland - UN-1 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031746 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G13_20 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031758 | Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 12 MA123 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031772 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G11_20 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031784 | Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 4 MA112 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031787 | Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 12 MA114 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031834 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G12_0 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031857 | Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 2 MA125 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031951 | Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 12 MA120 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031997 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G06_0 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300031999 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G02_20 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032093 | Freshwater fungal communities from buoy surface, Lake Erie, Ohio, United States - Buoy 12 MA117 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032256 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - C3_top | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032342 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G10_0 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032397 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G11_0 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300032516 | Sediment microbial communities from Yellowstone Lake, YNP, Wyoming, USA - YL17G02_0 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033816 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME16Sep2004-rr0005 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033978 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME28Sep2014-rr0002 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033979 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME30Aug2017-rr0003 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033981 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME24Aug2014-rr0011 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033993 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME20Jul2012-rr0037 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033994 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME25Jul2006D11-rr0046 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300033996 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME20Jul2016-rr0004 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034012 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME18Aug2017-rr0027 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034019 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME24Sep2014-rr0049 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034063 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME02Oct2008D10-rr0053 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034066 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME11Jul2017-rr0087 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034072 | Fracking water microbial communities from deep shales in Oklahoma, United States - MC-3-A | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034073 | Fracking water microbial communities from deep shales in Oklahoma, United States - MC-6-XL | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034101 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME19Sep2005-rr0107 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034106 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME23Aug2013-rr0131 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034111 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME03Oct2011-rr0186 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034112 | Freshwater microbial communities from Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, United States - TYMEFLIES-ME27Aug2014-rr0191 | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
3300034418 | Aqueous microbial communities from the Delaware River and Bay under freshwater to marine salinity gradient to study organic matter cycling in a time-series - Viral MetaG DEL_Aug_28 (v4) | Environmental | Open in IMG/M |
Geographical Distribution | |
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Note: Some of these sequences are restricted, as per the data usage policy of the Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Utilizing any of their features below requires obtaining a license from the datasets' corresponding author(s).
Protein ID | Sample Taxon ID | Habitat | Sequence |
BB_Man_B_Liq_inBBDRAFT_100053810 | 3300000401 | Bioluminescent Bay | MTKPEVTAVGRLIKAKPGQRKLYKVIAIKPDGTVKTMINSPW* |
BB_Man_B_Liq_inBBDRAFT_10360462 | 3300000401 | Bioluminescent Bay | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKPDGTTTTLINDKLQ* |
JGI12421J11937_100361722 | 3300000756 | Freshwater And Sediment | MITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL* |
JGI12421J11937_101127212 | 3300000756 | Freshwater And Sediment | MKLTVTAIGRILNPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL* |
MLSBCLC_106943462 | 3300002220 | Hydrocarbon Resource Environments | MTKPTVTAVGRILQPKGTEPRIHHVIAVKPDGTAKTIIRRPA* |
JGI25908J49247_100119663 | 3300003277 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVHHVIAIDPDGAVRTVIKAKL* |
JGI25908J49247_100219932 | 3300003277 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPQIHHVIAINADGEVRTVIKAKL* |
JGI25908J49247_100697822 | 3300003277 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPHVHHVIAINADGEVRTLIKAKL* |
Ga0069718_100662982 | 3300004481 | Sediment | MTKPTVTAVGRILKPKGDEPRLYHVIKVQPDGTAKTVIKRPV* |
Ga0068515_1064053 | 3300004829 | Marine Water | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVRKVISVNAEGKVKTLINRPVQ* |
Ga0068872_102077652 | 3300005528 | Freshwater Lake | MTKPIVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVYKVIAAHSDGTVKTVISRPC* |
Ga0049081_100015662 | 3300005581 | Freshwater Lentic | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVHPDGSIKTVVRKVL* |
Ga0049081_100773972 | 3300005581 | Freshwater Lentic | MTKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPA* |
Ga0078894_103024064 | 3300005662 | Freshwater Lake | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIVVKPDGTAKTVVSEPA* |
Ga0075470_100002294 | 3300006030 | Aqueous | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKPKPGIPHIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPA* |
Ga0075470_100036486 | 3300006030 | Aqueous | MTKPEITAVGRLLKPKGSEPRLHKVIAVRADGSVKTVINRPAT* |
Ga0070744_101343772 | 3300006484 | Estuarine | MTPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL* |
Ga0075461_100002307 | 3300006637 | Aqueous | MTPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIVVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL* |
Ga0075461_100554422 | 3300006637 | Aqueous | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKKKGDEPRIYKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT* |
Ga0070749_100017606 | 3300006802 | Aqueous | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIVVKPDGTAKTVVSEPA* |
Ga0070749_101215241 | 3300006802 | Aqueous | MKLEVTAVGRLLKQKGDEPRIYKVIAVKADGQVRTIV |
Ga0070754_100567513 | 3300006810 | Aqueous | MKLEVTAVGRLLKQKGDEPRIYKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT* |
Ga0070754_104434092 | 3300006810 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKNDEPRILHRIAAKPDGTTQTLIRKPLQ* |
Ga0075472_101226822 | 3300006917 | Aqueous | MPTVTAVGRLLRPTGDEPRILHRISVAPDGTTKTIIHQQLPVK* |
Ga0070752_10645245 | 3300007345 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKSNEPRILHRIAVKTDGTTQTLIRKPLQ* |
Ga0099851_10070255 | 3300007538 | Aqueous | MTQPTVTAVGRLLKVKPGQQHLHKVIAVKPDGTVKTVINRPV* |
Ga0099851_11202272 | 3300007538 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTVRTLIRKPLK* |
Ga0099849_10143002 | 3300007539 | Aqueous | MTDSPVTAVGRILKPKHGEPRVHSVIKVSPDGTAKEVKRETMV* |
Ga0099849_12135542 | 3300007539 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPQVLHRIAVKPDGTVRTLVRKPLK* |
Ga0099849_12211511 | 3300007539 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPQVLHRIAVKPDGTTRTLIRKPVK* |
Ga0099849_13365981 | 3300007539 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTTRTLIRKPLK* |
Ga0099848_11427992 | 3300007541 | Aqueous | MKPEVTAVGRILKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTIVRKPL* |
Ga0099848_12141193 | 3300007541 | Aqueous | MKPEITAVGRLLKKKGDAPRIHKVIAVKSDGQVRTIVNKKMT* |
Ga0099848_12362242 | 3300007541 | Aqueous | MKPEVTAVGRILKPKGDGPRILHRIAVKPDGSANTIVRKPL* |
Ga0099846_13314822 | 3300007542 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTVRTLIRKPWK* |
Ga0099850_11209251 | 3300007960 | Aqueous | AVGRLLKVKPGQQHLHKVIAVKPDGTVKTVINRPV* |
Ga0108970_109395594 | 3300008055 | Estuary | MTKPAVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVYKVIAVNAEGQSRTIINR |
Ga0108970_109586603 | 3300008055 | Estuary | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKRIHKVIAVNAEGQVRTIINRPAQ* |
Ga0108970_110769324 | 3300008055 | Estuary | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVYKVIAVNAEGQVRTIINRPAQ* |
Ga0108970_112039481 | 3300008055 | Estuary | MTKPQVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKQVYKVISVKPDGTVKTVVSQQLG* |
Ga0108970_112898581 | 3300008055 | Estuary | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKRIHKVIAVKPDGSVKTVINRPVD* |
Ga0108970_113841833 | 3300008055 | Estuary | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAIKPDGTAKTVVSEPA* |
Ga0114340_12663501 | 3300008107 | Freshwater, Plankton | MTKPIVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVHKVIAAHSDGTVKTVISRPC* |
Ga0114344_10690592 | 3300008111 | Freshwater, Plankton | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0114346_11999481 | 3300008113 | Freshwater, Plankton | MTKPTITAVGRLLKAKSGQKHQYKVIAVNADGTVKTVINRPLYWGRLPCT* |
Ga0114336_10223416 | 3300008261 | Freshwater, Plankton | MAKPTITAVGRLLKAKPGQQKLHKVIAVNADGTVKTVISRPC* |
Ga0114363_10345013 | 3300008266 | Freshwater, Plankton | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVNPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0114363_10683272 | 3300008266 | Freshwater, Plankton | MMNPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0114876_10098634 | 3300008448 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPRLHKVIAFKADGTVKTVINRPAT* |
Ga0102960_12957303 | 3300009000 | Pond Water | QMNKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGVPRVQKVIAINPDGKIKTLINRPCD* |
Ga0105090_106322401 | 3300009075 | Freshwater Sediment | TKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0114918_102522232 | 3300009149 | Deep Subsurface | MKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRIYHVIAVAPDGTAKTVTRRPA* |
Ga0105102_102363773 | 3300009165 | Freshwater Sediment | MKKPEITAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0105097_101066542 | 3300009169 | Freshwater Sediment | MQKPEITAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0105097_104851963 | 3300009169 | Freshwater Sediment | MITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKP |
Ga0105096_101559242 | 3300009170 | Freshwater Sediment | MITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKLL* |
Ga0129348_11129972 | 3300010296 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MNPIITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL* |
Ga0129348_11584642 | 3300010296 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEVTAVGRLLKKKGDEPRIHKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT* |
Ga0129348_13264112 | 3300010296 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTVRTLVRKPLK* |
Ga0129345_12975112 | 3300010297 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL* |
Ga0129342_11424473 | 3300010299 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPQVLHRIAVKPDGTARTLIRKPLK* |
Ga0129351_13106972 | 3300010300 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPQVLHRIAVKPDGTARTLIRKPLK* |
Ga0136656_10584163 | 3300010318 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTTQALIRKPLQ* |
Ga0136656_12998222 | 3300010318 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEVTAVGRLLKKKGDEPRIHKVIAVKADGQVRTIINKEMT* |
Ga0129333_100337424 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKADGSAKTVIRKPL* |
Ga0129333_100441521 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | TATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTLKTVISEPA* |
Ga0129333_101094565 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKLQLPIVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKQLTKVVKIDDQGKVTTLIERETN* |
Ga0129333_101483462 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPEITAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVHKVISVNAEGKVRTLINRPAQ* |
Ga0129333_101491912 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEITAVGRLLKKKGDAPRIHKVIAVKPDGQVRTIVNKEMT* |
Ga0129333_101694342 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEITAIGRLLKKKGDAPRIHKVIAVKSDGQVRTIVNKEMT* |
Ga0129333_101911443 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPTVTAVGRILSPKASEPKIHHVIAISPDGTVRTLIKRQLT* |
Ga0129333_102871082 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPEATAVGRLLKAKPGQKRVYKVIAVNDAGKVRTIVEEKLD* |
Ga0129333_103193692 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MAKPEATAVGRLLKAKPGQKRVYKVIAVNDAGKVRTIVEEKLD* |
Ga0129333_103348461 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKSTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTLKTVISEPA* |
Ga0129333_103349212 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEITAVGRLLKKKGDAPRIHKVIAVKSDGQVRTIVNKEMT* |
Ga0129333_104211122 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGTPHLHKVIAIKQDGTIKTVINRPA* |
Ga0129333_104606211 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MSNPAITAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIHRIIKVKADGTTKTVVSRPI |
Ga0129333_104921963 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPRLFKVIAVKADGSVQTVVNEPINP* |
Ga0129333_111322323 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPVVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPRLFKVIAVKADGSVQTVVNEPINP* |
Ga0129333_111731333 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MGLLMKHHITAIGRLLKPKNGEPRLHKVIAVRPDGTVKTVINKPMQ* |
Ga0129333_112188872 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEVTAVGRILKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTIIRKPL* |
Ga0129333_112791191 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGVPRVQKIVAIKPDGKVQTLIN |
Ga0129333_116707242 | 3300010354 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MTKPEATAVGRLLKAKPGQKRVYKIIAVSDDGKVRTIVEEKLD* |
Ga0129324_104285222 | 3300010368 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MIKPEVTAVGRLLNAKPGQRKLYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVIDKTL* |
Ga0129336_106547063 | 3300010370 | Freshwater To Marine Saline Gradient | MKPEITAIGRLLKKKGDAPRIHKVIAVKSDGQVRTIVNK |
Ga0136549_100237783 | 3300010389 | Marine Methane Seep Sediment | MTKPKVTAVGRLLKARPGQQQLHKVIAVKPDGTVRTIINRPA* |
Ga0136852_101198613 | 3300010412 | Mangrove Sediment | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPRVHKVISINDAGKVKVLVSEELTART* |
Ga0151620_11649822 | 3300011268 | Freshwater | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVYKVIAVDAEGQSRTIINRPAQ* |
Ga0151620_11898111 | 3300011268 | Freshwater | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGTEPRIYKVIAVNDAGKVRTVVEEKLD* |
Ga0153799_10064771 | 3300012012 | Freshwater | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPHVHHVIAINADGEVRTLIKAKL* |
Ga0153805_10541341 | 3300012013 | Surface Ice | MNTTTTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0157498_10641722 | 3300012666 | Freshwater, Surface Ice | MKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPV* |
Ga0164292_103207753 | 3300013005 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA* |
Ga0163212_11440543 | 3300013087 | Freshwater | MKKPEITAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPM* |
(restricted) Ga0172362_104311042 | 3300013133 | Sediment | MKKSEVIAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPV* |
Ga0177922_103438023 | 3300013372 | Freshwater | MKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPA* |
Ga0177922_105548731 | 3300013372 | Freshwater | MNTTTTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRIYKVIAVKPDGSSKTVISEPA* |
Ga0181363_10145081 | 3300017707 | Freshwater Lake | KLFSRMLMKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQPDGSAKTTVRKVL |
Ga0181363_10377593 | 3300017707 | Freshwater Lake | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKSDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTTVRK |
Ga0181352_10328262 | 3300017747 | Freshwater Lake | MLMKPEVTAVGRLLKPKSDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTTVRKVL |
Ga0181358_10210224 | 3300017774 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPHVHHVIAIDPDGVVRTVIKAKL |
Ga0169931_101029912 | 3300017788 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPHVYHVIKVQPDGTAKTVIKRPV |
Ga0169931_104992553 | 3300017788 | Freshwater | MKKSKVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPV |
Ga0181592_109704662 | 3300018421 | Salt Marsh | MSEHKITAVGPLLKKKGDAPRIHKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT |
Ga0194016_10471092 | 3300019708 | Sediment | MKPEVTAVGRLLKKKGDEPRIHKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT |
Ga0194113_101265593 | 3300020074 | Freshwater Lake | MKKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRVHKVIAVKADGTVRTVINRPM |
Ga0194111_100768462 | 3300020083 | Freshwater Lake | MMRIKTMKKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRVHKVIAVKADGTVRTVINRPM |
Ga0211734_110567471 | 3300020159 | Freshwater | MKPTITAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVNADGTVKTVISRPC |
Ga0211734_112980014 | 3300020159 | Freshwater | MTKPIVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVHKVIAFKADGTVKTVISCPC |
Ga0211733_102248775 | 3300020160 | Freshwater | MTSPVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRILHRVAIKPDGTVRTIVRKPL |
Ga0194134_1000464014 | 3300020179 | Freshwater Lake | MTRPTVTAVGRILKPKGNEPRLYHVIKVQPDGTAKTVIKRPV |
Ga0194115_100391274 | 3300020183 | Freshwater Lake | MKPTVTAVGRILKPKGNEPRIYHVIKVQPDGTAKTVIKRPI |
Ga0194131_101506522 | 3300020193 | Freshwater Lake | MTCPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPRVHHVIAVTPDGTAKTVIRRVLK |
Ga0194124_102320941 | 3300020196 | Freshwater Lake | MKKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNESRVHKVIAVKADGTVRTVINRPM |
Ga0208050_10091712 | 3300020498 | Freshwater | MTKPEATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0208050_10160782 | 3300020498 | Freshwater | MTKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVNADGTVKTVINRPV |
Ga0210295_10485492 | 3300021323 | Estuarine | VPKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQQQLHKVIAVKPDGKVRTIINRPA |
Ga0213866_105117612 | 3300021425 | Seawater | MKPTVTAVGRMLKPKGDEPRILHRIVVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0222714_1000278224 | 3300021961 | Estuarine Water | MNKPKVTAVGRLLKSKQGEPRIHKVIAVNADGTVETVLEKPMQ |
Ga0222714_100210063 | 3300021961 | Estuarine Water | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHLHKVIAIRTNGSVKTLISRPAT |
Ga0222714_100921922 | 3300021961 | Estuarine Water | MIKPEVTALGRLLKAKPGQQQLHKVIAIKTDGTVKTLINKPLAT |
Ga0222714_101119832 | 3300021961 | Estuarine Water | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVHHVIAIDPDGAVRTVIKAKL |
Ga0222714_102248812 | 3300021961 | Estuarine Water | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSIKTVVRKVL |
Ga0222713_106068501 | 3300021962 | Estuarine Water | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGTEPRIYKVIAVNDAGKVRTVVEEKLD |
Ga0222712_105204252 | 3300021963 | Estuarine Water | PKVTAVGRLLKSKQGEPRIHKVIAVNADGTVETVLEKPMQ |
Ga0222712_107386362 | 3300021963 | Estuarine Water | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVHKVISVNAEGKVRTLINRPAQ |
Ga0181353_10044604 | 3300022179 | Freshwater Lake | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKSDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTTVRKVL |
Ga0181353_10054904 | 3300022179 | Freshwater Lake | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIVVKPDGTAKTVVSEPA |
Ga0181353_10063791 | 3300022179 | Freshwater Lake | MIKPEATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGSSKTVISEPA |
Ga0181353_10068842 | 3300022179 | Freshwater Lake | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQPDGSAKTTVRKVL |
Ga0181353_11370863 | 3300022179 | Freshwater Lake | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSVKTVVRKVL |
Ga0196899_10315762 | 3300022187 | Aqueous | MKLEVTAVGRLLKQKGDEPRIYKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT |
Ga0196905_10743182 | 3300022198 | Aqueous | MTQPTVTAVGRLLKVKPGQQHLHKVIAVKPDGTVKTVINRPV |
Ga0212124_106042312 | 3300022553 | Freshwater | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPHVHHVIAINADGEVRTLIKAKL |
Ga0214917_100297654 | 3300022752 | Freshwater | MQKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGTPRLHKVIAVKADGTVRTLINKPA |
Ga0214917_100845012 | 3300022752 | Freshwater | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPCVHHVIAIGPDGTVRTVIKAKL |
Ga0210003_11837602 | 3300024262 | Deep Subsurface | MKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRIYHVIAVAPDGTAKTVTRRPA |
Ga0255147_10034407 | 3300024289 | Freshwater | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGVPRVQKIVAIKPDGKVQTLISRPCD |
Ga0255147_10054512 | 3300024289 | Freshwater | MNKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGVPRVQKVIAINPDGKIKTVINRPCD |
Ga0244775_108828422 | 3300024346 | Estuarine | MTPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0255164_10052811 | 3300024495 | Freshwater | EVTAVGRLLKAKPGVPRVQKIVAIKPDGKVQTLISRPCD |
Ga0208048_10605962 | 3300025283 | Freshwater | MKKPEITAVGRMLKPKGNEPRVHKVIAVKADGTVRTVINRPM |
Ga0208546_10001964 | 3300025585 | Aqueous | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKPKPGIPHIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPA |
Ga0208004_10005307 | 3300025630 | Aqueous | MTPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIVVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0208004_100241012 | 3300025630 | Aqueous | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKKKGDEPRIYKVIAVKADGQVRTIVNKEMT |
Ga0208644_100261721 | 3300025889 | Aqueous | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIVVKPDGTAKTVVSEPA |
Ga0255074_10007825 | 3300027121 | Freshwater | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVYKVIAVDAEGQSRTIINRPAQ |
Ga0208975_10088316 | 3300027659 | Freshwater Lentic | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVHPDGSIKTVVRKVL |
Ga0208975_10647493 | 3300027659 | Freshwater Lentic | MTKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPA |
Ga0209442_10838201 | 3300027732 | Freshwater Lake | LMQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPHVHHVIAINADGEVRTLIKAKL |
Ga0209768_102718643 | 3300027772 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPQIHHVIAINADGEVRTLIKAKL |
Ga0209246_100036284 | 3300027785 | Freshwater Lake | MQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGSEPHVHHVIAINADGEVRTLIKAKL |
Ga0209107_102026671 | 3300027797 | Freshwater And Sediment | MKLTVTAIGRILNPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0209358_104275382 | 3300027804 | Freshwater Lake | MLMKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSVKTVVRKVL |
Ga0209985_101503951 | 3300027806 | Freshwater Lake | MTKPIVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAFKADGTVKTVISRPC |
(restricted) Ga0247834_10485482 | 3300027977 | Freshwater | MQKPKITAVGRLLKPKGDEPHIEHVIRVRADGTVQTVVRRDYAGSRP |
(restricted) Ga0247843_10551932 | 3300028569 | Freshwater | MQKPKITAVGRLLKPKGDEPHIEHVIRVRADGTVQTVVRRDYAGSRPK |
Ga0119933_10081522 | 3300029932 | Drinking Water Treatment Plant | MKPTITAVGRLLKPRPGIPRIHKVIAVKPDGSVQTVINRHL |
Ga0119945_10017542 | 3300029933 | Aquatic | MTRPTVTAVGRILKSKGDEPRLYHVIKVQPDGTAKTVIKRPV |
Ga0315293_110911082 | 3300031746 | Sediment | MITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315293_111213261 | 3300031746 | Sediment | RMITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315907_110984182 | 3300031758 | Freshwater | MTKPIVTSVGRLLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPL |
Ga0315288_102630973 | 3300031772 | Sediment | MTRPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIDVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315899_100828915 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPIVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVHKVIAAHSDGTVKTVISRPC |
Ga0315899_102964522 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVNADGTVKTVISRPC |
Ga0315899_102974102 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MNKPTITAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPL |
Ga0315899_103137773 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPTITAVGRLLKPKGNEPHIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPC |
Ga0315899_103746062 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPHIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVISRPC |
Ga0315899_104450563 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPL |
Ga0315899_106212923 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPTITAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVKADGTVKTIINRPL |
Ga0315899_107949751 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MKPEVTAVGRLLKAKPGQQKLHKVIAVKVDGTVKTVINRPC |
Ga0315899_108240872 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPTTTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVYKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPC |
Ga0315899_110078542 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPEITAVGRLLKAKPGQKHVHKVISVNAEGKVRTLINRPAQ |
Ga0315899_115287652 | 3300031784 | Freshwater | MTKPTATAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVKADGTVKTIINRPL |
Ga0315900_101098674 | 3300031787 | Freshwater | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0315900_102775501 | 3300031787 | Freshwater | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVNPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0315290_103674333 | 3300031834 | Sediment | MTRPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHWIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315909_100294546 | 3300031857 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRLHHVIAVAPDGTAKTVIRRVLK |
Ga0315909_100575603 | 3300031857 | Freshwater | MMNPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0315909_102247773 | 3300031857 | Freshwater | YPVTAVGRILKPTHGEPRILHRIAVDPDGKARTTIRRTVPAA |
Ga0315904_103542662 | 3300031951 | Freshwater | MIDHPVTAVGQILKPQHGEPRILHRIAVDPDGKARTTIRRTLPAA |
Ga0315904_106791361 | 3300031951 | Freshwater | MPTPTVTAVGRLLRPTGDEPRILHRISVAPDGTTKTIIHQQLPVK |
Ga0315278_102977231 | 3300031997 | Sediment | MTRPTVTAVGRLLKPKCDEPRILHRIDVKPDGTAKTI |
Ga0315274_114060853 | 3300031999 | Sediment | MITAVGRLLNPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315902_103145162 | 3300032093 | Freshwater | MTKPTVTAVGRALKPKGNEPRVHKVIAVKADGTVKTVISRPC |
Ga0315902_109703061 | 3300032093 | Freshwater | MTKPTITAVGRLLKAKPGQKHQYKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPL |
Ga0315271_101516993 | 3300032256 | Sediment | CRMITAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315286_101913494 | 3300032342 | Sediment | MTRPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKTIIRKPL |
Ga0315287_126825222 | 3300032397 | Sediment | MTPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTAKAIIRKPL |
Ga0315273_128952831 | 3300032516 | Sediment | LMQKPKVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPHVHHVIAINADGDVRTLIKAKL |
Ga0334980_0020182_658_801 | 3300033816 | Freshwater | MIKKTMQKPEITAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0334977_0023127_1617_1742 | 3300033978 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQPDGSIKTVVRKIL |
Ga0334977_0171383_86_214 | 3300033978 | Freshwater | MTKPEATAAGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0334978_0000618_9636_9761 | 3300033979 | Freshwater | MKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTTVRKVL |
Ga0334982_0036040_1830_1958 | 3300033981 | Freshwater | MSKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGTEPRIHHVIAVKPDGTVRTLIRRPA |
Ga0334982_0047706_1642_1767 | 3300033981 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQSDGSIKTTVRKVL |
Ga0334994_0081420_589_714 | 3300033993 | Freshwater | MKSTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0334996_0081680_1514_1642 | 3300033994 | Freshwater | MQKPKATTVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0334996_0224574_23_151 | 3300033994 | Freshwater | MIKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAFKPDGTAKIVVSEPA |
Ga0334979_0001352_6436_6561 | 3300033996 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGNEPRVYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0334986_0015156_1606_1731 | 3300034012 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQPDGSVKTIVRKVL |
Ga0334986_0269757_240_365 | 3300034012 | Freshwater | MKPTATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEQA |
Ga0334998_0000609_10344_10472 | 3300034019 | Freshwater | MQKPEATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0335000_0000333_17012_17155 | 3300034063 | Freshwater | MMKKTMQKPEATAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0335000_0060459_2426_2551 | 3300034063 | Freshwater | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKPGIPHVHKVIAVKADGTVRTILNKPV |
Ga0335019_0238692_982_1110 | 3300034066 | Freshwater | MTKPEATAVGRLLKPKGDEPRIYKVIAVKPDGTVKTVISEPA |
Ga0310127_094759_870_1001 | 3300034072 | Fracking Water | MTKPTVTAVGRILKPKASEPRIHHVIAISPDGTVRTLIKRQLP |
Ga0310130_0006663_1983_2114 | 3300034073 | Fracking Water | MTNPTVTAVGRILSPKASEPKIHHVIAISPDGTVRTLIKRQLP |
Ga0310130_0009951_2950_3102 | 3300034073 | Fracking Water | MKPTVTAVGRILKPKHGEPQVHHVIAIHADGTVSTRIRRVLKPESNTRLY |
Ga0310130_0014696_700_825 | 3300034073 | Fracking Water | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQPDGSIKTVVRKVL |
Ga0310130_0023202_1122_1250 | 3300034073 | Fracking Water | MTKPEVTAVGRLLKARPGQQLLHKVIAVKPDGTVRTIINRPA |
Ga0310130_0024289_1090_1215 | 3300034073 | Fracking Water | MKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVQHDGSIKTVVRKVL |
Ga0310130_0314686_93_227 | 3300034073 | Fracking Water | MTLMKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSVKTTVRKVL |
Ga0335027_0003405_3414_3542 | 3300034101 | Freshwater | MIKPVTTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVKADGTVKTVINRPA |
Ga0335036_0669146_456_584 | 3300034106 | Freshwater | MIKPEITAVGRLLKPKGNEPRIYKVISIKPDGTVKTVVSEPA |
Ga0335063_0237455_812_946 | 3300034111 | Freshwater | MTLMKPEVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGSAKTTVRKVL |
Ga0335066_0032559_2732_2869 | 3300034112 | Freshwater | MKPEVTAVGRMLKPKGNEPRIHKVIAVNADGTVKTVINRPACEMS |
Ga0348337_105043_688_819 | 3300034418 | Aqueous | MTKPTVTAVGRLLKPKGDEPRILHRIAVKPDGTTQTLIRKPLQ |
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