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Sample 3300031132
3300031132: Phyllosphere microbial communities from UC Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States - DLSLF.R1
Basic Information
IMG/M Taxon OID 3300031132 Open in IMG/M
GOLD Reference (Study | Sequencing Project | Analysis Project) Gs0133512 | Gp0324016 | Ga0308160
Sample Name Phyllosphere microbial communities from UC Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States - DLSLF.R1
Sequencing Status Permanent Draft
Sequencing Center DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI)
Published? N
Use Policy Open
Dataset Contents
Total Genome Size 1239593072
Sequencing Scaffolds 1
Novel Protein Genes 6
Associated Families 1
Dataset Phylogeny
Taxonomy Groups Number of Scaffolds
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales 1
Ecosystem and Geography
Ecosystem Assignment (GOLD)
Name Leaf Surface Microbial Communities From Various Plants In Uc Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States
Type Host-Associated
Taxonomy Host-Associated → Plants → Phyllosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Phyllosphere → Leaf Surface Microbial Communities From Various Plants In Uc Gill Tract Community Farm, Albany, California, United States
Alternative Ecosystem Assignments
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Unclassified
Location Information
Location USA: California
Coordinates Lat. (o ) 37.8864 Long. (o ) -122.2981 Alt. (m) N/A Depth (m) N/A
Location on Map
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Associated Families
Family Category Number of Sequences 3D Structure?
F081964 Metagenome 113 Y
Associated Scaffolds
Scaffold Taxonomy Length IMG/M Link Ga0308160_10001273 All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria → Burkholderiales 36858 Open in IMG/M