A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Sample 3300028009

3300028009: Plant litter microbial communities from Maridalen valley, Oslo, Norway - NLE6


Basic Information
IMG/M Taxon OID3300028009 Open in IMG/M
GOLD Reference
(Study | Sequencing Project | Analysis Project)
Gs0128948 | Gp0306255 | Ga0265348
Sample NamePlant litter microbial communities from Maridalen valley, Oslo, Norway - NLE6
Sequencing StatusPermanent Draft
Sequencing CenterDOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI)
Use PolicyOpen

Dataset Contents
Total Genome Size16420698
Sequencing Scaffolds7
Novel Protein Genes9
Associated Families8

Dataset Phylogeny
Taxonomy GroupsNumber of Scaffolds
Not Available4
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Bacteria incertae sedis → Bacteria candidate phyla → Patescibacteria group → unclassified Patescibacteria group → Patescibacteria group bacterium1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria → Rhodospirillales → Acetobacteraceae → Acidiphilium1
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → unclassified Acidobacteria → Acidobacteria bacterium1

Ecosystem and Geography

Ecosystem Assignment (GOLD)
NameSoil, Plant Litter And Rhizosphere Microbial Communities From European Coniferous Forests
TaxonomyEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Plant Litter → Unclassified → Unclassified → Plant Litter → Soil, Plant Litter And Rhizosphere Microbial Communities From European Coniferous Forests

Alternative Ecosystem Assignments
Environment Ontology (ENVO)terrestrial biomevalleyplant litter
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO)Free-living → Non-saline → Soil (non-saline)

Location Information
LocationNorway: Oslo
CoordinatesLat. (o)59.997Long. (o)10.7902Alt. (m)N/ADepth (m)N/A
Location on Map
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Associated Families

FamilyCategoryNumber of Sequences3D Structure?
F012826Metagenome / Metatranscriptome277Y
F017942Metagenome / Metatranscriptome237Y
F018655Metagenome / Metatranscriptome233Y
F054442Metagenome / Metatranscriptome140N
F071529Metagenome / Metatranscriptome122Y
F085929Metagenome / Metatranscriptome111Y
F089142Metagenome / Metatranscriptome109Y
F103337Metagenome / Metatranscriptome101Y

Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
Ga0265348_100016Not Available3574Open in IMG/M
Ga0265348_100269All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Bacteria incertae sedis → Bacteria candidate phyla → Patescibacteria group → unclassified Patescibacteria group → Patescibacteria group bacterium1164Open in IMG/M
Ga0265348_100355All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Alphaproteobacteria → Rhodospirillales → Acetobacteraceae → Acidiphilium1011Open in IMG/M
Ga0265348_100875Not Available704Open in IMG/M
Ga0265348_101784Not Available546Open in IMG/M
Ga0265348_101960All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → unclassified Acidobacteria → Acidobacteria bacterium532Open in IMG/M
Ga0265348_102284Not Available511Open in IMG/M


Scaffold IDProtein IDFamilySequence


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