Basic Information | |
IMG/M Taxon OID | 3300006999 Open in IMG/M |
GOLD Reference (Study | Sequencing Project | Analysis Project) | Gs0117923 | Gp0125729 | Ga0102676 |
Sample Name | Non-marine hypersaline water viral communities from A?ana, Logroño, Spain -Vir_A?ana_2_PRE |
Sequencing Status | Permanent Draft |
Sequencing Center | University of Alicante |
Published? | N |
Use Policy | Open |
Dataset Contents | |
Total Genome Size | 25005776 |
Sequencing Scaffolds | 9 |
Novel Protein Genes | 9 |
Associated Families | 6 |
Dataset Phylogeny | |
Taxonomy Groups | Number of Scaffolds |
Not Available | 4 |
All Organisms → Viruses → unclassified bacterial viruses → environmental samples → environmental Halophage eHP-18 | 1 |
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Opisthokonta → Metazoa → Eumetazoa → Bilateria → Deuterostomia → Chordata → Craniata → Vertebrata → Gnathostomata → Teleostomi → Euteleostomi → Sarcopterygii → Dipnotetrapodomorpha → Tetrapoda → Amniota → Mammalia → Theria → Eutheria → Boreoeutheria → Euarchontoglires → Primates → Haplorrhini → Simiiformes → Catarrhini → Hominoidea → Hominidae → Homininae → Pan | 1 |
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 2 |
All Organisms → cellular organisms → Archaea → Euryarchaeota → Stenosarchaea group → Halobacteria → Natrialbales → Natrialbaceae → Natrarchaeobius → Natrarchaeobius chitinivorans | 1 |
Ecosystem Assignment (GOLD) | |
Name | Non-Marine Hypersaline Water Viral Communities From Salinas De Anana, Spain |
Type | Environmental |
Taxonomy | Environmental → Aquatic → Marine → Unclassified → Unclassified → Hypersaline Water → Non-Marine Hypersaline Water Viral Communities From Salinas De Anana, Spain |
Alternative Ecosystem Assignments | |
Environment Ontology (ENVO) | Unclassified |
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) | Free-living → Saline → Hypersaline (saline) |
Location Information | ||||||||
Location | Añana | |||||||
Coordinates | Lat. (o) | 42.80111387 | Long. (o) | -2.985507 | Alt. (m) | N/A | Depth (m) | N/A | Location on Map |
Zoom: | Powered by OpenStreetMap © |
Family | Category | Number of Sequences | 3D Structure? |
F000388 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 1201 | Y |
F003128 | Metagenome | 506 | Y |
F021062 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 220 | Y |
F077438 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 117 | Y |
F077781 | Metagenome / Metatranscriptome | 117 | N |
F087432 | Metagenome | 110 | Y |
Scaffold | Taxonomy | Length | IMG/M Link |
Ga0102676_102167 | Not Available | 1458 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_103021 | Not Available | 1183 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_104006 | All Organisms → Viruses → unclassified bacterial viruses → environmental samples → environmental Halophage eHP-18 | 1003 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_104225 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Eukaryota → Opisthokonta → Metazoa → Eumetazoa → Bilateria → Deuterostomia → Chordata → Craniata → Vertebrata → Gnathostomata → Teleostomi → Euteleostomi → Sarcopterygii → Dipnotetrapodomorpha → Tetrapoda → Amniota → Mammalia → Theria → Eutheria → Boreoeutheria → Euarchontoglires → Primates → Haplorrhini → Simiiformes → Catarrhini → Hominoidea → Hominidae → Homininae → Pan | 970 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_106313 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 772 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_106802 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Archaea → Euryarchaeota → Stenosarchaea group → Halobacteria → Natrialbales → Natrialbaceae → Natrarchaeobius → Natrarchaeobius chitinivorans | 740 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_108431 | Not Available | 660 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_109995 | All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria | 599 | Open in IMG/M |
Ga0102676_110959 | Not Available | 569 | Open in IMG/M |
Scaffold ID | Protein ID | Family | Sequence |
Ga0102676_102167 | Ga0102676_1021671 | F077438 | RKSRFETLFLWSFHVEISIALRPKVEKETSSYNN* |
Ga0102676_104006 | Ga0102676_1040062 | F003128 | MKLEVEPSDIKSGKKADDRGRVTLGSKYAGKTVTVAVLEVEDE* |
Ga0102676_106313 | Ga0102676_1063131 | F077438 | FEPFFRESRVETLFLWNLLVQISNSSKTVIEKDISSY* |
Ga0102676_106802 | Ga0102676_1068022 | F003128 | MKVEVKATDVEEKKADDRGRVTLGAKYAGKTVTVAVLEAEEE* |
Ga0102676_108431 | Ga0102676_1084311 | F021062 | YFFEPLEKEISVEDMQKIVDINEKLIKEIKNGKSSNRL* |
Ga0102676_109995 | Ga0102676_1099951 | F077438 | STHRVERSFTQSRLETLFLWNLQVEISAALRSIVEKEISS* |
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