A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Families

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters

A database of Novel Metagenome Protein Clusters
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Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F073508

Metagenome / Metatranscriptome Family F073508

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Overview Alignments Structure & Topology Gene Neighborhood Phylogeny Ecosystems Sequences
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Basic Information
Family ID F073508
Family Type Metagenome / Metatranscriptome
Number of Sequences 120
Average Sequence Length 46 residues
Number of Associated Samples 101
Number of Associated Scaffolds 120

Quality Assessment
Transcriptomic Evidence Yes
Most common taxonomic group Bacteria
% of genes with valid RBS motifs 73.33 %
% of genes near scaffold ends (potentially truncated) 31.67 %
% of genes from short scaffolds (< 2000 bps) 84.17 %
Associated GOLD sequencing projects 96
AlphaFold2 3D model prediction Yes
3D model pTM-score0.18

Note: High quality evidence is represented by blue. Low quality evidence is represented by red.
Hidden Markov Model
Powered by Skylign

Most Common Taxonomy
Group Bacteria (90.000 % of family members)
NCBI Taxonomy ID 2
Taxonomy All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria

Most Common Ecosystem
GOLD Ecosystem Environmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil
(19.167 % of family members)
Environment Ontology (ENVO) Unclassified
(28.333 % of family members)
Earth Microbiome Project Ontology (EMPO) Host-associated → Plant → Plant rhizosphere
(34.167 % of family members)


Multiple Sequence Alignments

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Structure & Topology

Predicted Secondary Structure and Topology

Predicted Topology & Secondary Structure
Classification: Globular Signal Peptide: No Secondary Structure distribution: α-helix: 0.00%    β-sheet: 0.00%    Coil/Unstructured: 100.00%
Feature Viewer
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Predicted 3D Structure

Structure Viewer
Per-residue confidence (pLDDT):
  0-50   51-70   71-90   91-100  
pTM-score: 0.18
Powered by PDBe Molstar

Low Quality Model:

This family has a low confidence model (pTM < 0.7) and has not been screened against SCOPe or PDB.


Gene Neighborhood

Neighboring Pfam domains

Pfam IDName % Frequency in 120 Family Scaffolds
PF01814Hemerythrin 40.00
PF05532CsbD 15.00
PF01028Topoisom_I 5.83
PF00149Metallophos 1.67
PF04545Sigma70_r4 1.67
PF01566Nramp 1.67
PF13466STAS_2 0.83
PF14907NTP_transf_5 0.83

Neighboring Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs)

COG IDNameFunctional Category % Frequency in 120 Family Scaffolds
COG3237Uncharacterized conserved protein YjbJ, UPF0337 familyFunction unknown [S] 15.00
COG3569DNA topoisomerase IBReplication, recombination and repair [L] 5.83
COG1914Mn2+ or Fe2+ transporter, NRAMP familyInorganic ion transport and metabolism [P] 1.67



NCBI Taxonomy

Select NCBI taxonomy Level:
All OrganismsrootAll Organisms90.00 %
UnclassifiedrootN/A10.00 %

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Associated Scaffolds

ScaffoldTaxonomyLengthIMG/M Link
2088090015|GPICI_8773747All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1531Open in IMG/M
2140918013|NODE_4801_length_1319_cov_10.363153All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1351Open in IMG/M
2199352025|deepsgr__Contig_137048All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria904Open in IMG/M
2228664021|ICCgaii200_c0895273All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium743Open in IMG/M
3300000363|ICChiseqgaiiFebDRAFT_11095918All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1198Open in IMG/M
3300002155|JGI24033J26618_1042721Not Available636Open in IMG/M
3300002459|JGI24751J29686_10049758All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria864Open in IMG/M
3300003213|JGI26313J46564_100242All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia2065Open in IMG/M
3300004157|Ga0062590_102148953All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium583Open in IMG/M
3300004479|Ga0062595_100686526All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium819Open in IMG/M
3300004479|Ga0062595_100698203All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria814Open in IMG/M
3300004480|Ga0062592_100857209All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium813Open in IMG/M
3300004480|Ga0062592_100865617All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria810Open in IMG/M
3300004480|Ga0062592_102178970Not Available552Open in IMG/M
3300005093|Ga0062594_102627473All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Chloroflexi → unclassified Chloroflexi → Chloroflexi bacterium556Open in IMG/M
3300005168|Ga0066809_10009987Not Available1764Open in IMG/M
3300005294|Ga0065705_10179126All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1596Open in IMG/M
3300005294|Ga0065705_10185898All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1538Open in IMG/M
3300005294|Ga0065705_10938103Not Available564Open in IMG/M
3300005345|Ga0070692_10872728All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group620Open in IMG/M
3300005441|Ga0070700_100045987All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2695Open in IMG/M
3300005444|Ga0070694_100135241All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1785Open in IMG/M
3300005444|Ga0070694_100157480All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1664Open in IMG/M
3300005444|Ga0070694_101396331All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium591Open in IMG/M
3300005471|Ga0070698_100725326All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria937Open in IMG/M
3300005545|Ga0070695_101736317All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria523Open in IMG/M
3300005841|Ga0068863_100013956All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia7744Open in IMG/M
3300006581|Ga0074048_10724220All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium568Open in IMG/M
3300006880|Ga0075429_100355982All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group1282Open in IMG/M
3300009011|Ga0105251_10061638All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1763Open in IMG/M
3300009094|Ga0111539_10079014All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria3869Open in IMG/M
3300009100|Ga0075418_11226715All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group813Open in IMG/M
3300009148|Ga0105243_10563211All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia1091Open in IMG/M
3300009811|Ga0105084_1003895All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2008Open in IMG/M
3300009818|Ga0105072_1070441All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium680Open in IMG/M
3300010147|Ga0126319_1312471All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2312Open in IMG/M
3300010399|Ga0134127_10183162All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1933Open in IMG/M
3300010400|Ga0134122_10296153All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1387Open in IMG/M
3300010999|Ga0138505_100006551All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1244Open in IMG/M
3300011119|Ga0105246_10270302All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1359Open in IMG/M
3300011119|Ga0105246_12010403All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Chloroflexi → unclassified Chloroflexi → Chloroflexi bacterium558Open in IMG/M
3300012204|Ga0137374_10430699All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1040Open in IMG/M
3300012355|Ga0137369_10138637All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1944Open in IMG/M
3300012938|Ga0162651_100003461All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1601Open in IMG/M
3300013306|Ga0163162_12527142All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Proteobacteria → Betaproteobacteria591Open in IMG/M
3300014325|Ga0163163_10019310All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria6399Open in IMG/M
3300014745|Ga0157377_10320661All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1029Open in IMG/M
3300015077|Ga0173483_10476004All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group660Open in IMG/M
3300015201|Ga0173478_10552356All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Acidobacteria → unclassified Acidobacteria → Acidobacteria bacterium588Open in IMG/M
3300015372|Ga0132256_102171123All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium660Open in IMG/M
3300015374|Ga0132255_100133920All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria3429Open in IMG/M
3300017965|Ga0190266_11366925All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Chloroflexi → unclassified Chloroflexi → Chloroflexi bacterium502Open in IMG/M
3300017997|Ga0184610_1032227All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1477Open in IMG/M
3300017997|Ga0184610_1172327All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium716Open in IMG/M
3300018027|Ga0184605_10117184All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1184Open in IMG/M
3300018028|Ga0184608_10096872All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1227Open in IMG/M
3300018028|Ga0184608_10461448All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium546Open in IMG/M
3300018031|Ga0184634_10300496All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium737Open in IMG/M
3300018031|Ga0184634_10442538All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group587Open in IMG/M
3300018031|Ga0184634_10444730All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium585Open in IMG/M
3300018054|Ga0184621_10045915All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1444Open in IMG/M
3300018072|Ga0184635_10174506All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium858Open in IMG/M
3300018073|Ga0184624_10019557All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium2507Open in IMG/M
3300018075|Ga0184632_10479635Not Available512Open in IMG/M
3300018078|Ga0184612_10068687All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1848Open in IMG/M
3300018465|Ga0190269_10100415All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1417Open in IMG/M
3300018469|Ga0190270_10031116All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria3471Open in IMG/M
3300018469|Ga0190270_11195170All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium798Open in IMG/M
3300019259|Ga0184646_1305775All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium870Open in IMG/M
3300019263|Ga0184647_1085675All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium551Open in IMG/M
3300019269|Ga0184644_1688809All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1130Open in IMG/M
3300019269|Ga0184644_1778192Not Available501Open in IMG/M
3300019767|Ga0190267_10063290All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1326Open in IMG/M
3300020005|Ga0193697_1008141All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2550Open in IMG/M
3300020016|Ga0193696_1014272All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2150Open in IMG/M
3300020080|Ga0206350_10105488Not Available879Open in IMG/M
3300021082|Ga0210380_10373652All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium651Open in IMG/M
3300021082|Ga0210380_10580539Not Available514Open in IMG/M
3300022195|Ga0222625_1546156All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1041Open in IMG/M
3300022195|Ga0222625_1639365Not Available564Open in IMG/M
3300022756|Ga0222622_10218107All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1276Open in IMG/M
3300025735|Ga0207713_1047288All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1742Open in IMG/M
3300025908|Ga0207643_10007419All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium5882Open in IMG/M
3300025920|Ga0207649_10777212All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium746Open in IMG/M
3300025925|Ga0207650_10024966All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria4254Open in IMG/M
3300025926|Ga0207659_10123268All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1989Open in IMG/M
3300025972|Ga0207668_10742138Not Available866Open in IMG/M
3300026075|Ga0207708_10073373All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2622Open in IMG/M
3300026088|Ga0207641_10285642All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1553Open in IMG/M
3300026758|Ga0207559_100564All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1235Open in IMG/M
3300027454|Ga0207623_101340All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium896Open in IMG/M
3300028589|Ga0247818_10665512Not Available720Open in IMG/M
3300028711|Ga0307293_10039044All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1455Open in IMG/M
3300028717|Ga0307298_10157214All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria662Open in IMG/M
3300028722|Ga0307319_10019737All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium2064Open in IMG/M
3300028784|Ga0307282_10042249All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium2010Open in IMG/M
3300028796|Ga0307287_10132666All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria945Open in IMG/M
3300028803|Ga0307281_10112968All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium924Open in IMG/M
3300028812|Ga0247825_10479778All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group884Open in IMG/M
3300028814|Ga0307302_10297255All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium794Open in IMG/M
3300028828|Ga0307312_10284963All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1074Open in IMG/M
3300028889|Ga0247827_10793674All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group626Open in IMG/M
3300030829|Ga0308203_1047000All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium645Open in IMG/M
3300030830|Ga0308205_1035158All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium627Open in IMG/M
3300030902|Ga0308202_1012586All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1212Open in IMG/M
3300030902|Ga0308202_1076575All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium658Open in IMG/M
3300030903|Ga0308206_1085608All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium686Open in IMG/M
3300031091|Ga0308201_10160657All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group712Open in IMG/M
3300031547|Ga0310887_10033546All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria2172Open in IMG/M
3300031547|Ga0310887_10277602All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium946Open in IMG/M
3300031847|Ga0310907_10041999All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1724Open in IMG/M
3300031847|Ga0310907_10867898All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group509Open in IMG/M
3300031854|Ga0310904_10108570Not Available1540Open in IMG/M
3300031858|Ga0310892_10141896All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1381Open in IMG/M
3300031892|Ga0310893_10091009All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1102Open in IMG/M
3300032003|Ga0310897_10125009All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria1053Open in IMG/M
3300032013|Ga0310906_10026592All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium2572Open in IMG/M
3300032017|Ga0310899_10035536All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium1735Open in IMG/M
3300032075|Ga0310890_11079359All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria649Open in IMG/M
3300032211|Ga0310896_10530358All Organisms → cellular organisms → Bacteria → Terrabacteria group → Actinobacteria → Actinomycetia → unclassified Actinomycetia → Actinomycetia bacterium649Open in IMG/M


Environmental Properties

Associated Habitat Types

Select Environment Taxonomy Level:
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil19.17%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural → Soil12.50%
Groundwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment10.83%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Agricultural Land → Soil8.33%
Groundwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Sediment → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment6.67%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Loam → Agricultural Soil → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere6.67%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Grasslands → Soil3.33%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil2.50%
Switchgrass RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere2.50%
Populus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Populus Rhizosphere2.50%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere2.50%
Vadose Zone SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Vadose Zone Soil1.67%
Terrestrial SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Terrestrial Soil1.67%
Groundwater SandEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Sand → Unclassified → Groundwater Sand1.67%
SoilEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Agricultural Field → Unclassified → Unclassified → Soil1.67%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.67%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere1.67%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.67%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere1.67%
SoilEnvironmental → Aquatic → Freshwater → Groundwater → Unclassified → Soil0.83%
Groundwater SedimentEnvironmental → Aquatic → Sediment → Unclassified → Unclassified → Groundwater Sediment0.83%
Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereEnvironmental → Terrestrial → Soil → Unclassified → Unclassified → Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.83%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Unclassified → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere0.83%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.83%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizoplane → Epiphytes → Unclassified → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.83%
Switchgrass RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Roots → Rhizosphere → Soil → Switchgrass Rhizosphere0.83%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Unclassified → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.83%
Miscanthus RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Miscanthus Rhizosphere0.83%
Corn RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Corn Rhizosphere0.83%
Arabidopsis RhizosphereHost-Associated → Plants → Rhizosphere → Soil → Unclassified → Arabidopsis Rhizosphere0.83%

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Associated Samples

Taxon OIDSample NameHabitat TypeIMG/M Link
2088090015Soil microbial communities from Great Prairies - Iowa, Continuous Corn soilEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
2140918013Soil microbial communities from Great Prairies - Iowa soil (MSU Assemblies)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
2199352025Soil microbial communities from Rothamsted, UK, for project Deep Soil - DEEP SOILEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
2228664021Soil microbial communities from Great Prairies - Iowa, Continuous Corn soilEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300000363Soil microbial communities from Great Prairies - Iowa, Continuous Corn soilEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300002155Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA, with PhiX- M7Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300002459Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S6Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300003213Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-G10K4-12EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300004157Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - - Combined assembly of AARS Block 2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300004479Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling - Combined assembly of All WPAsEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300004480Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling - Combined assembly of AARS Block 4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005093Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling - Combined assembly of KBS All BlocksEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005168Soil and rhizosphere microbial communities from Laval, Canada - mgLPCEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005294Switchgrass rhizosphere bacterial communities from Rose Lake, Michigan, USA - RL2 Bulk SoilEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005345Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K1-10-2 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005441Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K5-10-1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005444Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K1-25-1 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005471Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K1-50-2 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005545Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K1-25-2 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300005841Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S6-2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300006581Soil and rhizosphere microbial communities from Centre INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, Laval, Canada - Soil microcosm metaTmtLPB (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300006880Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. deltoides SRZDD3Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009011Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009094Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Rhizosphere MetaG P. TD hybrid SRZTD1 (version 2)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009100Populus root and rhizosphere microbial communities from Tennessee, USA - Soil MetaG P. deltoides SBSDD2Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009148Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS M3-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300009811Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW N3_20_30EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300009818Groundwater microbial communities from the Columbia River, Washington, USA - GW-RW N1_30_40EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010147Soil microbial communities from California, USA to study soil gas exchange rates - BB-CA-RED metaT (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010399Terrestrial soil microbial communities with excess Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-175-3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010400Terrestrial soil microbial communities without Nitrogen fertilizer from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KB3-0-2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300010999Agricultural soil microbial communities from Tamara ranch near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada - d1t3i015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300011119Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS M6-4 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300012204Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage1_R_100_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012355Vadose zone soil microbial communities from Sagehorn Ranch, Mendocino, California, USA - Sage1_L_113_16 metaGEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300012938Agricultural soil microbial communities from Tamara ranch near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada - d1t2i015EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300013306Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S5-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300014325Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - S6-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300014745Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - M5-5 metaGHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015077Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-S178-409R-2 (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015201Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-S014-104B-1 (version 2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300015372Soil combined assemblyHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300015374Col-0 rhizosphere combined assemblyHost-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300017965Populus adjacent soil microbial communities from riparian zone of Indian Creek, Utah, USA - 220 TEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300017997Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM1_100_coexEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018027Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM0_30_coexEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018028Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM1_30_coexEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018031Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3-1_200_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018054Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM1_30_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018072Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3_30_b2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018073Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3_5_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018075Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3-1_50_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018078Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM3_60_coexEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018465Populus adjacent soil microbial communities from riparian zone of Blue River, Arizona, USA - 249 ISEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300018469Populus adjacent soil microbial communities from riparian zone of Weber River, Utah, USA - 320 TEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019259Metatranscriptome of groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM1_100 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019263Metatranscriptome of groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM4_5 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019269Metatranscriptome of groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM1_5 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300019767Populus adjacent soil microbial communities from riparian zone of Oak Creek, Arizona, USA - 239 TEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020005Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? L3m2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020016Soil microbial communities from a riparian zone of the East river system, Colorado, United States ? L3m1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300020080Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - Diel MetaT C5pm-4 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome) (v2)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300021082Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM4_5_coex redoEnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022195Metatranscriptome of groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM2_5 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300022756Groundwater sediment microbial communities from an aquifer in East River, Colorado, USA - PLM2_5_b1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300025735Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-4 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025908Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Miscanthus M6-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025920Corn rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS C4-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025925Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S6-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025926Miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS M4-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300025972Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS S4-3 metaG (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026075Corn, switchgrass and miscanthus rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS K5-10-1 metaG (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300026088Switchgrass rhizosphere microbial communities from Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan, USA - KBS Switchgrass S6-2 (SPAdes)Host-AssociatedOpen in IMG/M
3300026758Soil microbial communities from Arlington Agricultural Research Station in Wisconsin, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-G06K4-12 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300027454Soil microbial communities from Kellog Biological Station, Michigan, USA - Nitrogen cycling UWRJ-G09K2-12 (SPAdes)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028589Soil microbial communities from agricultural site in Penn Yan, New York, United States - 13C_Glucose_Day1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028711Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_150EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028717Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_158EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028722Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_368EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028784Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_121EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028796Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_141EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028803Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_120EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028812Soil microbial communities from agricultural site in Penn Yan, New York, United States - 13C_Vanillin_Day48EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028814Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_183EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028828Soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_DNA_202EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300028889Soil microbial communities from agricultural site in Penn Yan, New York, United States - 12C_Control_Day2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030829Metatranscriptome of soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_RNA_357 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030830Metatranscriptome of soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_RNA_368 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030902Metatranscriptome of soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_RNA_356 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300030903Metatranscriptome of soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_RNA_369 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031091Metatranscriptome of soil microbial communities from the East River watershed near Crested Butte, Colorado, United States - ER_RNA_355 (Metagenome Metatranscriptome)EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031547Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - T60D4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031847Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C48D4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031854Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C48D1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031858Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C8D2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300031892Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C0D2EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032003Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C0D1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032013Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C48D3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032017Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C8D4EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032075Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - T20D3EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M
3300032211Lab incubated soil microbial communities from West Virginia University Organic Research Farm, Morgantown, WV, United States - C8D1EnvironmentalOpen in IMG/M

Geographical Distribution
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Family Sequences

Protein ID Sample Taxon ID Habitat Sequence
JGI24033J26618_104272123300002155Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEPV
JGI24751J29686_1004975833300002459Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEPVLEP
Ga0065705_1018589833300005294Switchgrass RhizosphereMFIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSTTETEDPVLEPAAT*
Ga0065705_1093810323300005294Switchgrass RhizosphereMIFIGQVEETGVIEPVVFPSVVPADEPRVPSTEPDEPAPEPAAAM*
Ga0070692_1087272823300005345Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEPVLEPAAAM*
Ga0070700_10004598763300005441Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPILFPRTVPADEPKVPSTEPDESVLEPAAAM*
Ga0070694_10013524113300005444Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSATETEDPVLEPAAT*
Ga0070694_10015748013300005444Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPILFPRTVPADEPKVPSTEPDESVLEPA
Ga0070694_10139633113300005444Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVAPQTEPDEPVLEPAAAR*
Ga0070698_10072532623300005471Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLRFPLVAPADQPVSPQTESGEPILEPAAAR*
Ga0070695_10173631723300005545Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSATETEDPVLEPAAT*
Ga0068863_10001395673300005841Switchgrass RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEAVLEPAAAR*
Ga0075429_10035598233300006880Populus RhizosphereMFIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSTTETEDPVPEPAAT*
Ga0075418_1122671523300009100Populus RhizosphereMFIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSTTETEVRIPEPAAAT*
Ga0105243_1056321133300009148Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPILFPRTVPADEPKVPSTEPDESVLE
Ga0105246_1201040323300011119Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRVVPADEPVSPQTESDEPILEPAAAR*
Ga0157377_1032066113300014745Miscanthus RhizosphereVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSTTETEDPVLEPAAT*
Ga0132256_10217112313300015372Arabidopsis RhizosphereKEAVMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEPVLEPVAAR*
Ga0184634_1044253813300018031Groundwater SedimentMFIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSASATEDPVLEPAAT
Ga0184612_1006868713300018078Groundwater SedimentIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSASATEDPVLEPAAT
Ga0206350_1010548823300020080Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEPVLEPAAAR
Ga0207643_1000741943300025908Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEPVLEPVAAR
Ga0207650_1002496643300025925Switchgrass RhizosphereMFIGEVEETGVIEPVVFPQVLADEPLPSTTETEDPVLEPAAT
Ga0207708_1007337323300026075Corn, Switchgrass And Miscanthus RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPILFPRTVPADEPKVPSTEPDESVLEPAAAM
Ga0207641_1028564233300026088Switchgrass RhizosphereMFIGQVEETGVIEPLVFPRALPADEPVTPQTEPDEAVLEPAAAR


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